ARMY TM 5-6675-308-12
Slide grommet securing connector W5P4
With plumb bob assembly in the stowed posi-
end of cable assembly W5 out of retaining
tion, adjust so that assembly is against pad.
m. Plumb Bob Arm Maintenance.
Remove nut, lockwasher, washer, and screw
securing clamp on cable assembly W5 to
and perform pivot block detent adjustment as
mounting plate; remove clamp and grom-
met from cable.
(a) Hold extension arms in the stowed (vertical)
Disconnect cable assembly W5 connectors
position. If arm will not move to the verti-
W5P1, W5P2, and W5P3; remove cable.
cal position, loosen (turn counterclockwise)
the detent screw.
(2) Replacement.
(b) Tighten (turn clockwise) detent screw until
Slip clamp over connector W5P5 end of
it is just snug. Do not overtighten.
c a b l e assembly W5. Secure clamp to
mounting plate with screw, washer, lock-
(c) Loosen the detent screw 1/8 turn.
washer, and nut. Slip grommet over connec-
(2) Extension arm detent adjustment. See figure
tor W5P4 end of cable assembly W5 and
4-9 and perform extension arm detent
slide grommet into retaining slot to secure
ment as follows:
(a) Hold extension arms in the operational posi-
Connect cable assembly W5 connector
tion. If arm will not move to this position,
W5P4 to computer fan connector 5J1. (See
loosen (turn counterclockwise) the detent
Install computer fan on mounting plate,
(b) Tighten (turn clockwise) detent screw until
oriented with airflow arrow pointing up,
it is just snug. Do not overtighten.
and secure with four clamps, washers, and
(c) Loosen the detent screw 1/8 turn.
Install computer in primary pallet and se-
cure with four captive screws. (See figure
a. Replace Cable Assemblies W1, W2, W3, and
Connect cable assembly W3 connector
W 4 . Remove cables by disconnecting both ends. Re-
place by connecting both ends. Align keyways before
ure 2-9.)
mating connectors. Do not force connectors. See figure
Connect cable assembly W2 connector
4-10 for a cable
routing diagram.
W2P2 to computer connector lJ1.
b. Cable Assembly W5 Replacement. See figure
Connect cable assembly W1 connector
2-9, 4-2, and 4-7 and replace cable
assembly W5 as
W1P2 to computer connector 1J3.
4-17. Battery Box Assembly.
Disconnect cable assembly W2 connector
W2P2 from computer connector lJ1. (See
a. Replacement of Batteries and Auxiliary Compo-
Disconnect cable assembly W3 connector
W3P2 from computer connector 1J4.
Disconnect cable assembly W1 connector
W1P2 from computer connector 1J3.
Loosen four captive screws securing com-
To prevent injury to personnel while
uter to primary pallet; remove computer.
working on batteries, all rings, watches,
bracelets, etc. must be removed.
Disconnect cable assembly W5 connector
To prevent injury to personnel or damage
W5P4 from computer fan connector 5JI.
to equipment, when disconnecting a bat-
tery, remove negative cable from battery
Loosen four screws, washers, and clamps
post first; when connecting a battery, con-
securing computer fan to mounting plate;
nect negative cable last.