ARMY TM 5-6675-308-12
4-15. Electrical Equipment Mounting Base Repair.
(d) Loosen four captive screws securing PS to
Electrical equipment mounting base repair consists of
primary pallet; remove PS.
adjustment of the alignment pins and removal and
(e) Remove 20 screws and washers securing air
replacement of the following items:
deflector to PS; remove air deflector.
Alignment pin bracket
(2) Replacement.
Alignment pin receptacle assembly
(a) Install air deflector and secure with 20
screws and washers.
Computer fan and guard
(b) Install PS in primary pallet and secure with
Protective cover
four captive screws.
(c) Connect cable assembly W4 connector
Flashlight holder
W4P2 to PS connector 3J3.
Plumb bob assembly
(d) Connect cable assembly W5 connector
W5P2 to PS connector 3J1.
All of the above items can be replaced with the primary
(e) Connect cable assembly W3 connector
pallet in the vehicle. It may be necessary to move the pallet
W3P1 to PS connector 3J5.
slightly to gain access to items. Except where specifically
noted, the IMU, computer, and PS may remain in the
primary pallet during repair. See figure 4-7 and repair elec-
a. Air Deflector(s).
trical equipment mounting base as follows:
(1) Removal.
a. Alignment Pin Bracket Replacement. See figure
4-7 and replace alignment pin bracket as
(a) Disconnect cable assembly W2 connector
W2P2 from computer connector 1J1.
(1) Removal. Remove two T-handles securing
alignment pin bracket to frame; remove align-
(b) Disconnect cable assembly W3 connector
ment pin bracket.
W3P2 from computer connector 1J4.
(2) Replacement. Secure alignment pin bracket to
(c) Disconnect cable assembly W1 connector
frame with two T-handles.
W1P2 from computer connector 1J3.
(d) Loosen four captive screws securing com-
adjust alignment pin as follows:
puter to primary pallet; remove computer.
(e) Remove six screws and washers securing air
deflector to computer; remove air deflector.
The alignment pin bracket must be installed
on the vehicle subfloor or helicopter cargo
(2) Replacement.
pallet before adjustment.
Secure air deflector to computer with six
(1) Hold alignment pin with socket-head key.
screws and washers.
(2) Loosen locking nut.
Install computer in primary pallet and se-
cure with four captive, screws.
(3) Rotate alignment pin until it mates freely with
alignment pin receptacle in the frame.
Connect cable assembly W3 connector
W3P2 to computer connector 1J4.
(4) Holding that position of the alignment pin,
tighten locking nut.
Connect cable assembly W2 connector
W2P2 to computer connector 1J1.
(5) Repeat steps (1) thru (4) for the other align-
ment pin, as necessary.
Connect cable assembly W1 connector
W1P2 to computer connector 1J3.
and repair alignment-pin bracket as follows:
b. CDU Mounting Bracket.
(1) Remove alignment pin bracket.
(1) Removal. Remove four screws securing CDU
mounting bracket to computer cover; remove
(2) Hold alignment pin and remove locking nut.
CDU mounting bracket.
Remove nut securing bushing to bracket. Re-
move pin and bushing.
(2) Replacement. Install CDU mounting bracket
(3) Replace pin and bushing and secure with nut.
on computer cover and secure with four
Screw locking nut onto pin.