ARMY TM 5-6675-308-12
(e) Remove three screws and washers and one
Install fan guard on PS and secure with
terminal lug securing fan guard to PS; re-
three screws and washers and one terminal
move fan guard.
(2) Replacement.
Connect fan cable to PS connector J6.
Install fan guard on PS and secure with
Install PS in primary pallet and secure with
three screws and washers and one terminal
four captive screws.
Connect cable assembly W 4 connector
Install PS in primary pallet and secure with
W4P2 to PS connector 3J3.
four captive screws.
Connect cable assembly W 5 connector
Connect cable assembly W 4 connector
W5P2 to PS connector 3J1.
W4P2 to PS connector 3J3.
Connect cable assembly W 3 connector
Connect cable assembly W 5 connector
W3P1 to PS connector 3J5.
W5P2 to PS connector 3J1.
b. Fan Guard Replacement.
Connect cable assembly W 3 connector
W3P1 to PS connector 3J5.
(1) Removal.
c. Air Deflector Replacement.
Disconnect cable assembly W3 connector
W3P1 from PS connector 3J5.
(1) Removal.
Disconnect cable assembly W5 connector
Disconnect cable assembly W3 connector
W5P2 from PS connector 3J1.
W3P1 from PS connector 3J5.
Disconnect cable assembly W5 connector
Disconnect cable assembly W4 connector
W5P2 from PS connector 3J1.
W4P2 from PS connector 3J3.
Disconnect cable assembly W4 connector
Loosen four captive screws securing PS to
W4P2 from PS connector 3J3.
primary pallet; remove PS.