ARMY TM 5-6675-308-12
Update rejection may occur at the initial update attempt or secondary update attempts during the sur-
vey mission. This table is divided into two parts. Part I pertains to rejection at the initial update. Part
II comprises all other update rejections occurring during the survey mission, or when closing the sur-
vey mission.
PART I. Update Rejections at Initial Update
Reason for Flashing E
Operator Corrective Action
If displayed data is incorrect, enter the correct data. Press E, reenter correct data.
Operator entered coordinates a.
Press N, reenter correct data.
b. If displayed data is correct, see reason 2, part I.
Accuracy of initialization
a. Check map spot/or coordinates used to initialize system. If using GPS, check that
coordinates is questionable
the GPS datum/reference ellipsoid is the same as the spheroid chosen for PADS. If
not, establish the spheroids desired, then reselect the GPS receiver spheroid/datum.
If PADS spheroid is incorrect, shut down PADS and reinitialize using the desired
b. Accuracy not within 100 meters, shut down and reinitialize using correct data. If
accuracy of coordinates were correct, see reason 3, part I.
Accuracy of initial update
a. Cancel update by pressing UPDT. If using GPS data, ensure that the value of the
indicated FOM is less than 25 meters. Ensure that the GPS receiver and PADS are
coordinates is questionable
operating in the same datum/spheroid configuration. Mark the position with the
GPS receiver and attempt a new update. If rejection continues, cancel update and
proceed to a known SCP or a new location to receive GPS.
Part II. Update Rejections During or Closing Survey Mission
Reason for Flashing E
Operator Corrective Action
Operator entered coordinates a.
If displayed data is incorrect, reenter the correct data. Press E, reenter correct data.
Press -- reenter correct data.
b. If displayed data is correct, see reason 2, part II.
Accuracy of present coordi-
a. Cancel update by pressing UPDT. If using GPS data, ensure that the value of the
nates is questionable
indicated FOM is less than 25 meters. Ensure that the GPS receiver and PADS are
operating in the same datum/spheroid configuration. Mark the position with the
GPS receiver and attempt a new update. If rejection continues, cancel update and
proceed to a known SCP or a new location to receive GPS.
b. If update is accepted, on second entry, continue with mission. The accuracy of the
entered coordinates where update was rejected is questionable.
If update is rejected, the accuracy of the initial update or the initialization data is
questionable. See reason 3, part II.
Accuracy of initial update is a.
Troubleshoot all data. Shut down, reinitialize using correct data. Update over
questionable, or initialization
known accurate SCP, or if using GPS, use another receiver.
data was incorrect
Illumination of the CAL indicator anytime during an update means that the update coordinates are
wrong, the initial update coordinates were wrong, or there is a possibility that the system is out of
calibration. If the update coordinates were wrong and the system accepted the update with the CAL
indicator on, use the unadjusted rather than the adjusted PADS data. If the initial update coordinates
were wrong, rerun the survey mission. If illumination of the CAL indicator cannot be traced to incor-
rect survey mission data, troubleshoot in accordance with table 4-2.
Change 3