ARMY TM 5-6675-308-12
3-23. Transfer to an
Army OH-58 Series Helicopter
with Rotor Stopped.
To prevent damage to the equipment
when the PADS operator is on the air-
craft, the copilot's cyclic stick shall be in
a stowed position.
Use extreme care when working under
helicopter blades.
the PADS equipment shall be im-
Make sure blades are secured when
mediately shut down.
helicopter engine is off.
Make sure rotor swath is clear before
Transfer system to helicopter power
starting helicopter.
quickly to minimize discharge of
To prevent injury, use at least three per-
sons to transfer primary pallet.
Initiate a zero velocity correction
whenever the system is stationary.
With a heavy crew and total PADS
equipment installed, the Army OH-58
To install PADS in an Army OH-58C,
may easily exceed its forward center of
the helicopter cargo pallets must be
gravity limits, which could result in
modified by direct support personnel.
mast bumping. The helicopter pilot shall
perform a weight and balance calcula-
PADS may be transferred between the land vehicle
tion before each flight (Class 2 aircraft)
and helicopter while operating. The procedure for
to guarantee that the aircraft remains
transfer with the helicopter rotor stopped is given
within its center of gravity limits for
both takeoff and landing. The weight of
the PADS equipment is 334 lbs. To
calculate the moment/100, refer to the
Before initializing for such a mission,
center of gravity limit chart in TM
connect transfer cable W8, located in the
55-1520-228-10 for the OH-58A, or in
battery box top, between PS connector
TM 55-1520-235-10 for the OH-58C.
3J4 and connector W7P1 on power cable
Should load adjustments be required,
W7. Stow the cable so it can be extend-
take the actions listed in order of
Position vehicle so PADS is within 5 feet of the
a. Limit pilot and operator weight.
helicopter left cargo door. Remove left cargo
door or secure it in the fully open position.
b. Leave behind unnecessary personal
Clear canvas from vehicle and remove radio,
spare tire, and gas can, if present. Remove
c. Remove chest armor.
theodolite, tripods, and other gear from vehicle
and set aside.
d. Remove seat armor.
Without disconnecting cable assembly W1,
unsnap CDU from vehicle CDU bracket and
e. Remove PADS battery box.
secure to computer bracket. Wrap cable around
CDU to keep it out of the way.
f. Reduce fuel load.
If transfer cable W8 is not connected:
The PADS CDU must be secured to the
operator, primary pallet, or aircraft to
Set PS VEHICLE circuit breaker CB2 to
avoid becoming a missile hazard during
OFF. BATT indicator lights.
a crash.
Connect transfer cable W8, located in bat-
Refueling of the aircraft should not be
tery box top, between PS connector 3J4 and
performed while either land vehicle or
power cable W7 connector W7P1. (See figure
helicopter is running; start-up of the
vehicle near the aircraft is especially
hazardous due to the potential for spark
Set PS VEHICLE circuit breaker CB2 to
or backfire around accumulating JP-4
ON. BATT indicator goes off. (CHRG in-
dicator may light.)