ARMY TM 5-6675-308-12
Position vehicle so its rear panel faces helicopter's left
3-28. Transfer to
Land Vehicle.
cargo door and is within 1 1/2 feet of it.
Disconnect transfer cable W8 connector W8P2 from
helicopter cable W9 connector W9P1. Connect
Use extreme care when working under
W8P2 to vehicle power cable W7 connector W7P1.
helicopter blades.
k. Ensure vehicle engine is running. Set PS VEHICLE
Make sure blades are secured when helicopter
circuit breaker CB2 to ON. BATT indicator goes out.
engine is off.
Stow helicopter cable W9 in battery box top.
To prevent injury, use at least three persons to
Release belt assembly and remove D-ring securing
transfer primary pallet.
battery box to cargo platform.
Refueling of the aircraft should not be
m. Set PS BATTERY circuit breaker CB1 to OFF.
performed while either vehicle or helicopter is
BATT indicator lights. Disconnect battery cable W6
running; start-up of the vehicle near the
connector W6P1 from PS connector 3J2. Move
aircraft is especially hazardous due to the
battery box to vehicle and secure with belt assembly.
potential for spark or backfire around
accumulating JP-4 fumes.
n. Bring primary pallet out of helicopter left cargo
doorway and rotate it so PS end points to vehicle.
Transfer system to vehicle power quickly to
o. Position primary pallet on subfloor plate or mount-
minimize discharge of batteries. Initiate a
zero-velocity correction whenever the system
or 2-13b, depending on host vehicle. Porro prism
is stationary.
will generally be facing rearward.
a. Remove spare tire, gas can, radio, and other auxiliary
p. Connect PADS battery cable W6 connector W6P1 to
gear, if present, from vehicle. Clear canvas as
PS connector 3J2. Set PS BATTERY circuit breaker
necessary. Verify vehicle power cable W7 is properly
CB1 to ON. BATT indicator goes out.
connected to vehicle batteries.
q. Secure alignment-pin bracket to subfloor plate or
b. Helicopter lands clear of the vehicle. Initiate a
mounting base with two T-handles. Slide primary
zero-velocity correction.
pallet to mate with alignment pins. If necessary,
c. Release the CDU from the leg mount and secure it to
the computer CDU bracket. Wrap the cable around
Secure primary pallet frame to subfloor plate or
the CDU to keep it out of the way. Stow the CDU leg
mounting base with two clamping brackets and two
mount in the battery box top.
d. Remove or secure the helicopter left cargo door in the
s. Without disconnecting CDU cable W1, remove CDU
fully open position.
from computer bracket and secure to the vehicle CDU
e. Unload auxiliary gear from helicopter.
f. Remove two D-rings and clamping brackets which
Replace D-rings in cargo platforms.
secure primary pallet to cargo platform. Remove two
helicopter doors. Neatly stow excess transfer cable
D-rings which secure alignment pin bracket to cargo
W8 so it won't get tangled with other equipment.
platform. Remove alignment pin bracket.
Stow survey gear in vehicle. Reinstall spare tire, gas
can, radio, and canvas, if removed.
g. Set PS VEHICLE circuit breaker CB2 to OFF. BATT
indicator lights.
u. Select new vehicle lever arms. Refer to paragraph
h. Pilot opens helicopter armament power circuit
breaker and shuts down helicopter engine. Secure
v. PADS is ready to continue the mission.
Change 2