ARMY TM 5-6675-308-12
m. Close "NO SEAT" top panel.
3-26. Transfer to
UH-1 Helicopter with Rotor Turning
PADS may be transferred from land vehicle to helicopter
n. Transfer battery box to the helicopter and position
while in operation. The procedure for transfer with the heli-
approximately as shown in figure 14. Install battery
copter rotor turning is given below.
box belt assembly through handles and fasten to floor
rings on both sides of box.
o. Connect battery cable W6 to power supply connector
3J2. Set PS BATTERY circuit breaker CB1 to ON.
BATT indicator will go out.
Use extreme care when working under heli-
copter blades. To prevent injury, use at least
three persons to transfer primary pallet.
p. Without disconnecting cable W1, remove CDU from
computer bracket and secure to helicopter leg mount
The PADS CDU must be secured to the op-
(located in top of battery box). Route to passenger's
erator, primary pallet or aircraft to avoid it be-
coming a missile hazard during a crash.
q. Check that helicopter personnel rescue hoist power
Refueling of the aircraft should not be per-
circuit breaker is OFF.
formed while either the vehicle or helicopter
is running; startup of the vehicle near the air-
Pull down headliner panel, locatcd over PADS
craft is especially hazardous due to the poten-
mounting area, to expose personnel rescue hoist
tial for spark or backfire around accumulating
power connector, J119.
JP-4 fumes.
s. Connect P2 connector of cable W9 (located in top of
battery box) to P1 connector of adapter cable.
In the event of aircraft generator failure, the
Connect P2 connector of adapter cable to personnel
PADS equipment shall be immediately shut
rescue hoist power connector, J119. (See View B,
u. Set PS VEHICLE circuit breaker CB2 to OFF. BATT
Transfer system to helicopter power quickly
indicators will light. Disconnect cable W8 connector
to minimize discharge of batteries.
W8P2 from power cable W7 connector W7P1 and
from power supply connector 3J4. Stow W8 cable in
Initiate a zero velocity correction whenever
top of battery box. Drive vehicle clear of helicopter.
the system is stationary.
v. Connect cable W9 connector W9P1 to power supply
Before initializing for a helicopter mission,
connector 3J4. Set PS VEHICLE circuit breaker CB2
connect transfer cable W8 and cable adapter,
to ON.
located in top of battery box, between power
supply connector 3J4 and connector W7P1 on
w. Start helicopter. When helicopter power demand is
power cable W7. Stow the cable so it can be
less than 45 amps, set personnel hoist power circuit
breaker to ON. BATT indicator will go out. CHRG
indicator may light.
a. If required, clear canvas from vehicle and remove ra-
dio, spare tire, and gas can. Remove theodolite, tri-
Installation is complete, start preflight procedures.
pod, and other gear from vehicle and set aside.
Select the new vehicle lever arms. Refer to para-
b. Without disconnecting cable assembly W1, unsnap
CDU from instrument panel bracket and secure to
computer bracket. Wrap cable around CDU to keep it
y. Secure helicopter doors. Reinstall radio, spare tire,
out of the way.
and gas can on vehicle, if removed. Load onto vehicle
survey and personal gear that will not be used during
c. If transfer cable W8 is not connected, proceed as fol-
the helicopter mission.
(1) Set PS VEHICLE circuit breaker CB2 to OFF.
z. During flight, the CDU is strapped to the operator's
BATT indicator will light.
Change 2