ARMY TM 5-6675-308-12
(17) Without disconnecting cable W1, remove CDU
3-30. User Defined Spheroid.
Monitor ID 60 contains the
from computer bracket and secure to helicopter leg
entered spheroid constants for spheroid 15. ID 61 is the
mount. Route cable to passenger's seat.
tabulated constants for spheroid 16. ID 60 and 61 displays the
newly entered constants prior to a save routine. If an entry
abort is made, the table values will revert to previously stored
(18) Set PS circuit breaker CB2 to OFF. BATT
constants, if any. If the table in ID 60, ID 61 is exited prior to
indicator will light. Disconnect cable W8
completion, reentry into the table will be at the beginning.
connector P1 from PS connector 3J4. Cable W8
will stay with the vehicle.
To have the capability of using the user defined
spheroid, the data must be saved. To permanently
save the spheroid constants, the system must be
(19) Connect cable W7 connector P1 from power
cycled off with a save.
converter to PS connector 3J4.
The system must have been initialized with one of the
(20) Turn on power to plug P276 by turning on aircraft
valid spheroids and up to the alignment mode.
circuit breaker designated "60 Hz AC Converter,
Monitor ID 52 is the entry ID for the defined spheroid
15 Amps" located over and behind copilot's seat.
constants. Spheroid 15 and spheroid 16 may be
entered with the following conditions.
(21) Set PS circuit breaker CB2 to ON. The CDU
Each entry may be cleared prior to entering. Once
battery light will go out.
entry has been made, the value may not be changed
unless the entire table is changed. Once the
(22) Using belt assemblies provided with the aircraft,
spheroid entry has commenced, the parameters
tie down PADS by attaching belt assemblies to
must all be entered. To exit the spheroid entry
aircraft floor cargo rings as illustrated in figure
routine prior to completion, CDU STOP must be
pressed and all previous entries will be lost.
(23) Tighten belt assemblies using ratchet handles. Do
If a value is zero, the entry may be bypassed by
not overtighten and bend PADS frame.
pressing ENT.
(24) Installation is complete. Start preflight procedures.
The program has a goodness or credibility test
Select plumb bob location from monitor table (use
where possible to prevent grossly incorrect entries.
These will be limited to the first word of a two word
the preflight checkout procedure, PADS operator
will sound PADS alarm DS3, to acquaint air crew
back to the blank display and the leading number
with its sound.
1A, etc., etc.
All references to feet are to be as follows: 1 foot=
(25) Secure helicopter doors. Load vehicle with survey
0.3048 meters exactly.
and personal gear which will not be used during the
helicopter mission.
All distance measurements must be entered in
The parameters must be entered to the full value
During flight the CDU is strapped to the
stipulated for the word. Leading or trailing zeroes
PADS operator's leg. PADS operator must
may be required.
use aircraft intercommunication system to
communicate with flight crew.
Semi major axis (refer to (a) below) parameter is
required for a valid spheroid entry. If this is not
user defined spheroid entry using GPS.
Change 3