ARMY TM 5-6675-308-12
d. If excessive vehicle movement is experienced during
alignment, the ATTN indicator will light and the CAL
indicator will go off, the ALARM DS3 may sound, or
the STOP and GO indicators may flash alternately. If
this occurs, turn PADS off, wait 2 minutes, then
PADS must not be moved for at least one
restart the initialization procedures.
minute after turn on. Failure to do this may
e. If the vehicle is not level within 5 degrees, the dis-
result in severe damage to the equipment.
play will show LEVEL starting in monitor MODE 3.
The LEVEL display locks out the monitor mode
PADS should be initialized on a firm, level
unless a malfunction occurs. Turn PADS off, wait 2
surface. Alignment failure can result from
minutes, and move vehicle to a more level area and
vehicle movement on soft surfaces such as
reinitialize. If this is not possible, PADS will continue
mud, snow, or ice, and shocks caused by
to align with possible degraded accuracy. The
operator movement or wind gusts. The
LEVEL display will go off at MODE 8.
operator should stand clear of the vehicle
during alignment. The vehicle should be
Turn on/Turn off.
facing into high winds.
To prevent damage, do not move PADS for
The following conventions are used in
at least 2 minutes following shutdown.
Defer shutdown if it is not possible to wait.
1. CDU pushbuttons are underlined, e.g.,
2. A lighted status indicator remains
To speed warm-up and improve alignment
lighted until extinguished, e.g., GO.
accuracy, PADS may be turned on before
leaving for the initialization point. Do not
3. An extinguished status indicator is
enter spheroid data until vehicle is parked
boxed in, e.g.,
at the initialization point. Alignment starts
when spheroid is entered.
4. Flashing displays are enclosed in
quotation marks, e.g., "GO".
PADS may be initialized on slopes greater
Turnon Sequence. Power is applied to PADS by set-
than 5 degrees with a possible decreased
ting PS BATTERY and VEHICLE circuit breakers
alignment accuracy.
CB1 and CB2 to ON. Turn on the system by pressing
ON/OFF. Observe the CDU display response. The
PADS must be initialized before it can survey. The
CDU display will indicate "GPS C-E".
operator enters the approximate PADS position. Then
PADS automatically aligns.
Turnoff Sequence. Mission data and automatic bias
data may be stored into memory at turnoff. Data is
The initialization site should have a firm surface level
transferred from high speed memory to storage (low
to 5 degrees. The site horizontal position coordi-
speed) and requires a specific write time. Time is
nates should be known to 100 meters and the eleva-
dependent upon quantity of data being written. Per-
tion known to 10 meters from the actual position.
form the following steps and observe the CDU
Initialization takes 30 to 45 minutes, depending upon
display cues:
ambient temperature.
Press ON/OFF. Display indicates SAVE C-E.
Press ENT. Display indicates PAUSE.
should leave and remain clear of the vehicle until
alignment is completed. The initialization sequence
When "OFF" E appears, press ON/OFF. Display
indicates OFF "E".
Change 3