ARMY TM 5-6675-308-12
SPH 13 . . . WGS 72
At completion of FOM entry, the CDU displays AOV
C-E (antenna on vehicle). The operator has the
SPH 14 . . . Hough
option of using the plumb bob suspension point of the
SPH 15 . . . User defined*
vehicle in use, or the GPS lever arms with the GPS
SPH 16 . . . User defined*
receiver attached to the vehicle.
(1) The operator presses CLR. This indicates that the
defined spheroid.
GPS receiver is/was remote to the vehicle and the
PADS defaults to the plumb bob suspension point
Figure FO-2 contains index to spheroids. When PADS dis-
of the vehicle in use. This allows previously deter-
plays "SPH" followed by the number of the spheroid used last,
mined data derived by GPS to be inputted to the
enter the desired spheroid by pressing SPH, the number of the
PADS, using the plumb bob on the theodolite.
desired spheroid, and ENT (e.g., Spheroid 3, press SPH, 3,
ENT). The display then indicates PAUSE for about 15
(2) The operator presses ENT. This indicates that there
seconds, then cues for vehicle. If a wrong spheroid is entered,
is an operational GPS receiver mounted on the
the system must be turned off and initialization restarted.
vehicle carrying the PADS. If the GPS receiver
Refer to table 3-3.1 for a list of GPS datums and associated
antenna lever arms have not been entered into the
ellipsoids (spheroids). If the operator utilizes GPS during a
PADS system, the ATTN status indicator will flash,
PADS mission, the data and its associated spheroid used must
notifying the operator that lever arm information is
agree with the spheroid entered into PADS. If there is any
required. If the operator does not know the lever
question and local maps are not to be referred to, the operator
arms, or elects not to enter the lever arms, the PADS
should select WGS 84 or WGS 72 for both PADS and GPS
will default lever arm information to that of the
use. It is recommended that once the datums/spheroid have
porro prism. If the ATTN status indicator does not
been selected, they not be changed on the GPS receivers for
flash, the operator will know that GPS lever arm
the duration of the mission.
information has been entered into PADS.
3-22.8. Entering Vehicle Selection. The PADS program
(3) Once the AOV selection has been made, the CDU
contains seven standard U.S. Army vehicles and has the capa-
will cue the operator for spheroid by flashing
bility of having the operator add lever arm information for up
to three nondefined vehicles and lever arms for a vehicle
mounted GPS receiver. Reference the specific vehicle instal-
3-22.7. Entering Spheroid. PADS is
programmed to
lation for sight/plumb bob location. The standard vehicles in
survey in any of the following spheroids:
the order of selection and CDU displays follow. The program
will display the last vehicle entered during the initialization,
SPH 1 . . . . Clarke 1866
i.e., if the OH-58 had been selected before the system was
SPH 2 . . . . International
turned off, the CDU at turnon would indicate OH-58 5.
SPH 3 . . . . Clarke 1880
Plumb Bob or
SPH 4 . . . . Everest
Sight Location
SPH 5 . . . . Bessel
Left side driver
sight/plumb bob
SPH 6 . . . . Spare
Pintle mounted
SPH 7 . . . . Spare
plumb bob
SPH 8 . . . . Australian GRS 67
Left side driver
3. SUV
sight/plumb bob
SPH 9 . . . . GRS 1980 WGS 84
Pintle mounted
SPH 10. . . Airy
plumb bob
SPH 11 . . . Modified Airy
PADS mounted
plumb bob arm
SPH 12 . . . Modified Everest
Change 3