ARMY TM 6-6676-308-34
Section I. GENERAL
3-1. Scope. Direct support maintenance includes repair of
the computer and CDU by circuit card replacement, and
replacement of computer, computer power supply, IMU,
power supply, CDU, and cables. Failed units are forwarded to
general support maintenance.
The primary pallet weight exceeds the
a. The normal test procedure is to operate PADS and
normal two-person lift capability. Use
obtain the built-in-test malfunction indications. The
three persons to carry primary pallet into
malfunction symptoms should be furnished by the operator
the work area.
but can be obtained or verified by maintenance personnel.
Additional testing includes continuity checks and voltage
The system must not move during testing.
b. Repairs are verified by operating PADS for a period
Place the primary pallet firmly on a solid
of time with no malfunctions.
workbench, floor, or stable ground outside
the van.
c. The test sequence is summarized in table 3-1 which
references more detailed descriptions of the various
Check that +28V power source is off.
procedure. The system responses are given. When an
abnormal condition is indicated, troubleshoot in accordance
Check that PADS BATTERY and VEHICLE circuit
breakers CB1 and CB2 are OFF.
Electrical connections for testing are shown in figure 3-1.
After PADS has been placed in the work area, check
that the primary pallet components are
3-1.1. Program Description. The PADS has two unique
interconnected as shown in figure 31 and the CDU is
connected to the computer by cable W1.
presently in the process of being phased out and a new
version (solid state) is being phased in. The memory capacity
Check that the cooling system and isolator platform
of the core memory is 32768 (32k) words and the solid state
are not blocked.
memory is 65536 (64k) words. During the past few years, the
software has evolved per the user's request to the point where
Connect battery cable assembly W6 to power supply
the new programs are no longer compatible between the two
connector 3J2.
memory types. The user willhoweverberequired to use both
memory types until such time as the core memories have
been completely phased out. This will require the manuals to
Check that the polarity of connections to
+28V power source are correct.
SATELLITE (GPS) cueing to the operator. This version also
increases the spheroid repertoire and changes the order of
Connect power supply connector 3J4 to +28V power
spheroids. Refer to TM 54675-308-12 for a more detailed
source with cable assembly W211.
description of the newer software. This newer software is
The CDU may be removed from the computer
available in the solid state memory only. Caution must be
bracket and placed at a convenient spot on the
exercised in spheroid selection between the two memory