ARMY TM 5-6675-308-34
Any one circuit breaker open.
CB1 and CB2 are both switched on.
PADS battery cable disconnected.
Current in SCR is below 05 amps.
SCR conducting power from PADS battery.
Vehicle battery voltage is higher than + 24V for M151
or + 25V for OH-58.
The CDU BATT display indicator will begin to flash if
input power drops below + 20V at the main bus.
PADS battery voltage is below + 28V.
The charging current is limited to 6.0 amps, maximum.
(3) SCR Firing Circuit. This circuit runs on the
A charging' signal will light the CDU CHRG display
SCR connecting the PADS battery to the power bus
indicator when charging current is equal to, or greater
under the following conditions:
than 2 amps. A battery signal will light the CDU
K1 power relay is closed.
BATT display indicator when any of the following
Bus voltage is below + 21.5V.
conditions OCCUr
2-11/(2-12 blank)