ARMY TM 5-6675-308-12
= Modified Airy Spheroid, Geographic
SPH 111
Entering UTM Grid Zone, Easting, Northing,
Coordinate System
Elevation, Distance, or Horizontal Angle. When PADS
wants data, the CDU data display cues the operator by flash-
SPH 112
= Modified Everest Spheroid, Geographic
Coordinate System
ing a symbol. The data format is indicated by decimal points,
colons, and zeros.
SPH 113
= WGS 72 Spheroid, Geographic Coordinate
a. The operator recognizes a cue by pressing the push-
= Hough Spheroid, Geographic Coordinate
SPH 114
button corresponding to the flashing symbol. The dis-
played symbol stops flashing and the zero(s) goes
b. After the proper spheroid and vehicle is selected, the
blank. Enter data with the numeric pushbuttons. Each
display will cue for longitude position with a flashing
numeral enters the display at the extreme right and
"LO". East of Greenwich is defined as positive (east-
moves one space to the left when a new digit is
ern hemisphere) and west of Greenwich is defined as
negative (western hemisphere). Only the negative ()
b. If a wrong number is entered, press CLR to clear the
sign will be displayed for western hemisphere opera-
display. When all numerals are entered, check that the
tion. If no convention sign is displayed in geographic
data is entered correctly. If possible, use a second per-
coordinate position, it will be assumed to be positive.
son to check the entry. Press ENT to enter the data into
the system. The display will show a new message.
A display showing "E"0: .0, means PADS wants the
Since operation in the geographic coordi-
nate system is for survey missions only, the
UTM grid zone is entered first and will eventually
appear to the left of the colon. The coordinate must
3-22.19) and distance traveled displays are
have 7 digits and be entered to the nearest tenth of a
not activated. The CDU will display dashes
(--) when DIST is pressed by the operator.
3-22.10. Entering Spheroid,
Latitude, Longitude, and
When operating in the geographic coordi-
Elevation for Operation in the Geographic Coordinate
nate system, the CDU azimuth displays are
graphs 3-22.20 through 3-22.22 must,
a. To operate in the geographic coordinate system, the
therefore, be performed using the theodo-
flashing "SPH" must be responded to by adding 100
lite with entry in degrees, minutes, and
to the selected survey spheroid. Therefore:
seconds. (Mils must be converted to
Clarke 1866 Spheroid, Geographic
SPH 101 =
degrees, minutes, and seconds before
Coordinate System
International Spheroid, Geographic
SPH 102 =
Coordinate System
c. When PADS requests data, the CDU data display
cues the operator by flashing a symbol. The data for-
SPH 103 =
Clarke 1880 Spheroid, Geographic
mat is indicated by decimal points, colons, and zeros.
Coordinate System
Refer to examples below:
Everest Spheroid, Geographic Coordinate
SPH 104 =
Bessel Spheroid, Geographic Coordinate
SPH 105 =
If a wrong number is entered, press CLR to
clear the display. When all numerals are
Australian GRS 67 Spheroid, Geographic
SPH 108 =
Coordinate System
entered, check that the data is entered cor-
rectly. If possible use a second person to
SPH 109 =
GRS 1980 WGS 84 Spheroid, Geographic
Coordinate System
check the entry. Press ENT to enter the data
into the system. The display will show a
Airy Spheroid, Geographic Coordinate
SPH 110 =
new message.
Change 3