TB 55-1905-202-34/1
confines of its 6 retention rings.
Temporarily install one washer (32, fig. 2) on
each joining screw (36) between the index bracket and
deckhouse. Braze index bracket
the index plate to provide proper spacing. Clean the
(48) to mast.
mast and outside pilothouse of all finish (paint) in the
immediate area where the index bracket and plate are to
be welded.
Locate transmitter case adaptor plate (52, fig.
3) on
the mast bracket plate (horizontal) in
such a
c. Set the index bracket and plate assembly in
that the large circular hole, in the adaptor plate points aft
place and clamp to both the mast and the deckhouse
with its center point aligning within 5 degrees of the
using large "C" Clamps.
boat's centerjine (when the mast is normally installed)
and further that the four (4) countersunk holes in the
adaptor plate overlay bracket plate material which may
Insure that mast retention keys
be drilled through without interfering with either of the
are in place and not cramped or
vertical mast bracket plates. Mark the locations of the
bound, and that all mast "play or
four countersunk holes on the mast bracket plate using
slack" has been removed by
the adaptor plate as a template. See figure 3. AIso,
moving the mast to port within the
mark areas on the mast