TB 55-1905-202-34/1
indicator, located in the pilot house, that indicates the
Repair and/or overhaul of
the transmitter (table
landing craft's heading as determined by the induction
1, item 59) and the Indicator (item 60) are to be
compass transmitter.
accomplished at the depot level only, on a direct
b. Installation of the RMHS is to provide the LCM8
exchange basis. An overhaul program for the above two
items is currently being established: during the interim
craft with an accurate and maintainable compass for
period, all overhaul requirements are to be processed
vessel navigation. The RMHS is reliable and accurate
(3 degrees) under adverse weather conditions, with
through U.S. Army, TROSCOM, 4300 Goodfellow Boule-
vard, St. Louis, Mo. 63120. ATTN: AMSTS-MWE.
maximum cargo loads of ferrous material, during day or
night operations.
d. The RMHS transmitter is a magnetic compass
(Flux-valve) and is sensitive to ferrous metals and long
c. Installation of the RMHS may be accomplished at
periods of non-use (excess of three months), which will
the direct Support (DS level). Refer to TB 746-93-4,
cause compass error. To preclude this induced compass
March 1970, "Painting of Vessels" for painting
error, do not store the transmitter within six feet of ferrous
metals (steel bins, walls, etc.), and rotate the transmitter
4. Special Information.
90 degrees every two to three months.
e. Remote Magnetic Heading System will be
a. Preventive maintenance is the care, inspection,
reflected in the next change or revision to TM 55-1905-
and servicing of the equipment to maintain it in a
202-12, TM 55-1905-202-34, TM 55-1905-202-20P, and
serviceable condition, prevent breakdowns, and assure
TM 55-1905-202-35P.
maximum operational capability. Preventive mainte-
nance is the responsibility of all categories of mainte-
nance concerned with the equipment.
5. Reporting of Errors.
You can improve this bulletin by calling attention to errors
and by recommending improvements using DA Form
2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications), or by a
Do not under any circumstances
letter, and mail direct to Commander, U.S. Army Troop
use DC equipment for testing.
Support Command, ATTN: AMSTSMP, 4300 Goodfellow
Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo. 63120. A reply will be
b. Maintenance of the RMHS (removal and
furnished direct to you.
replacement of system components) is authorized at the
Direct Support Level.
7. Installation Kit. (FSN 6605-B73-6193, P/N 4008338-
6. Tools and Equipment.
902, FMC 07187)
The following tools and equipment are required to perform
The installation kit for the Remote Magnetic Heading
the Remote Magnetic Heading System installation.
System consists of the components (item 1 through 60)
a. Heli-Arc Welder
listed in table 1 below. These components comprise all
b. Acetylene Torch
hardware required for one complete installation of the
c. Electric drill, with 3/16, 3/8, 7/8, 1-3/8, and 0.1495
RMHS into the LCM-8 MOD-O craft. Items numbers are
(No. 25) inch diameter drill bitts.
keyed to the installation instructions and to the figure
d. Cold Chisel.
callout labels for each component.
e. File
f. "C" Clamps, 6 and 2 inch.
g. Center punch
8. Vessel Preparation (Magnesyn Compass System).
h. Power/hand Hacksaw
Refer to figure 1. Remove Magnesyn Compass System
i. Wire brush
including all mounting hardware and all interconnecting
j. Tap, No. 10-24 NC.
wiring except for power wire coming from the Control and
Distribution Panel. The power wire is to be re-terminated
l. Miscellaneous-Hand Tools
on the RMHS power Fuseholders later in the installation.
m. Paint and Paint Brushes
n. Blower, Hot Air