ARMY TM 5-6675-308-34
Just before the connectors mate, check
(g) Place two air deflectors (13) against com-
that the memory unit is free in its guides
puter subassembly (10); align mounting
and its top edge is parallel to the com-
puter top surface.
(h) Install six screws (12) and washers (11) se-
curing each of two air deflectors (13) to n
3. Seat the memory unit by applying moder-
ate, even pressure at both sides. The top
computer subassembly (10).
should be flush with the computer top
d. CDU Mount Bracket Repair. Repair of the CDU
surface. If excessive insertion force is re-
mount bracket (4, figure 3-7) consists of replacing the
quired or the memory unit extends above
catch strikes (5). Repair mount bracket as follows:
the computer, pull the memory out and
(1) Remove four screws (6) securing CDU mount
inspect for bent or broken connector pins.
bracket (4) to computer cover (3); remove
(b) Tighten two screws (8) in wedgelock (9)
until wedge is tight against edge of slot.
(2) Remove swa ed portion of two rivets securing
(c) Inspect RFI gasket (37). Replace if cracked,
catch strike (5) to mount bracket (4) by drill-
broken, loose, or excessively compressed.
ing or other suitable means. Remove rivet and
(d) Place computer cover (3) on computer
catch strike.
subassembly (10); align mounting holes.
(3) Place catch strike (5) in position on mount
(e) Torque 16 screws (2) and washers (1) secur-
bracket (4).
ing com uter cover (3) to computer subas-
(4) Secure catch strike (5) to mount bracket (4)
sembly ( to 16 inch-pounds using proce-
with rivets. Swage rivets in place.
(5) Install mount bracket (4) on computer cover
c. Computer Power Supply and Computer Subas-
(3) and secure with four screws (6).
sembly . Remove and replace computer power supply
3-16. Computer Power Supply
Maintenance. Repair of
the computer power supply consists of removal and
(1) Removal.
replacement of guide pins, captive screws, and RFI
(a) Remove six screws (12) and washers (11)
securing each of two air deflectors (13) to
a. Guide Pins.
computer subassembly (10). Remove two air
from power supply chassis (18).
(b) Loosen 16 captive screws (14) and washers
(2) Replacement. Screw guide pin (16) into power
(15) securing computer subassembly (10) to
supply chassis (18).
computer power supply (18). Remove com-
puter power supply.
b. Captive Screw.
(2) Replacement.
(1) Removal. Unscrew
captive screw (17, figure
3-7) from retainer nut on
bottom surface of
(a) Inspect guide pins (16). Replace if bent or
power supply chassis (18).
(2) Replacement.
(b) Inspect connectors. Replace computer
subassembly if pins are bent or broken.
(c) Inspect RFl gasket (19). Replace if cracked,
broken, loose, or excessively compressed.
(d) Inspect captive screw assembies (17). Re-
place if broken or threads are damaged.
Isopropyl alcohol is flammable and gives
(e) Place computer power supply (18) on com-
off harmful vapors. Use onlv in well-ven-
puter subassembly (10).
tilated areas away from open flames and
sparks. Avoid prolonged or repeated inha-
(f) Ti hten 16 captive screws (14) and washers
lation of vapors.
(15) securing computer power supply (18) to
computer subassembly (10). Torque to 16
(a) Clean internal threads of captive screws (17)
inch-pounds using procedures described in
and external threads of retainer nut using
isopropyl alcohol (TT-I-735).
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