ARMY TM 5-6675-308-34
(b) Use card extractor to remove circuit card
assemblies (20 thru 28) as shown in figure
Use silicone adhesive (RTV 156 or 30-
079) on IMU cover, computer cover,
(2) Replacement.
computer/computer power supply, com-
puter power supply end plate, and power
supply bottom cover and side cover
Circuit card assembly connectors are
keyed to prevent insertion of circuit card
assemblies in wrong connectors, Inspect
Type I) on circuit breaker covers and
mating connectors for bent or broken pins
porro prism cover gaskets.
before inserting a new card.
Apply a thin, even coat of silicone to mounting
(a) Install circuit card assemblies (20 thru 28,
Install gasket on mounting surface. Align holes.
1. Insert card into card guide and carefully
Apply sufficient pressure to gasket to provide a
guide it into place. If card jams, use card
good bond and force out excess adhesive. Re-
extractor to pull it back out, Refer to
move excessive adhesive.
Mate the subassembly to its counterpart, Tighten
2. Just before the connectors mate, verify
the screws with moderate, even pressure, Do not
card is free in its guides and its top edge
torque to final value until adhesive has cured for
is parallel to the computer top surface.
24 hours.
3. Seat the card by applying moderate, even
pressure at both sides. The top should be
3-15. Computer Maintenance. Repair of
the computer
flush with the computer top surface. If
consists of removal and replacement of circuit cards,
excessive insertion force is required or the
memory unit, computer power supply, and radio fre-
card extends above the computer, pull the
card out and inspect for bent or broken
mount bracket, Figure 3-7 is an exploded view of the
connector pins.
(b) Inspect RFI gasket (29). Replace if cracked,
a. Circuit Card Assembly. Remove and replace
broken, loose or excessively compressed.
circuit card assemblies A2 through A9 and All (20,
(c) Place computer cover (3) on computer
subassembly (10); align mounting holes.
(d) Engage 16 screws (2) and washers (1) secur-
ing com uter cover (3) to computer subas-
When removing, replacing, or handling A/D
sembly (
10) and torque to 16 inch-pounds
converter card assembly All, do not touch
connector pins or components on face of
card as damage to the assembly may result.
b. Memory Unit. Remove and replace memory unit
Ensure that assembly A11 is transported
in conductive bag with CAUTION label
identifying its contents as static-sensitive
Prior to removal of assembly from pack-
When removing, replacing, or handling solid
aging, operator should discharge static
state memory unit A1 (7), do not touch con-
nector pins or components on face of card
earth ground.
as damage to the memory may result.
Ensure that the memory is transported in
conductive bag with CAUTION label
Computer may remain in primary pallet
identifying its contents as static-sensitive
for card replacement.
(1) Removal
Prior to removal of the memory from
packaging, operator should discharge
(a) Loosen 16 captive screws (2) and washers
(1) securing computer cover (3) to computer
with earth ground.
subassembly (10); remove cover.
Change 5