ARMY TM 5-6675-308-34
8. IMU mount
1. Power supply
9. IMU
2. Captive screw
10. Bolt assembly
3. Captive screw
11. Guide pin
4. CDU
12. Computer mounting base
5. Computer
13. Mounting base frame
6. Computer power supply
7. Plumb bob arm
(b) Engage and tighten four captive screws (2)
(f) Swing plumb bob arm (7) up to stowed
secuirng ower supply (1) to mounting base
frame (13).
supply as follows:
1. Connect cable assembly W3 connector
1. Connect cable assembly W3 connector
W2P1 to IMU connector 2J1.
W3P1 to power supply connector 3J5.
2. Connect cable assembly W4 connector
2. Connect cable assembly W4 connector
W4P1 to IMU connector 2J3.
W4P2 to power supply connector 3J3.
3. Connect cable assembly W5 connector
3. Connect cable assembly W5 connector
W5P1 to IMU connector 2J4.
W5P2 to power supply connector 3J1.
4. Connect cable assembly W5 connector
4. Connect cable assembly W211 connector
W5P3 to IMU connector 2J5.
W21lP1 to power supply connector 3J4.
d. Power Supply. Remove and replace power sup-
5. Connect cable assembly W6 connector
W6P1 to power supply connector 3J2.
(1) Removal.
3-14. Gasket Replacement. Gaskets on
the IMU
porro prism cover, computer top cover, computer/
power supply as follows:
computer power supply, computer power supply end
1. Disconnect cable assembly W6 connector
plate, circuit breaker covers, and power supply bottom
W6P1 from power supply connector 3J2.
cover and side cover are replaced using the same
general procedure.
2. Disconnect cable assembly W211 connec-
a. Peel old gasket from mounting surface.
tor W21lP1 from power supply connec-
tor 3J4.
b. Carefully scrape off old adhesive from mounting
surface. Do not remove the metal protective
3. Disconnect cable assembly W3 connector
finish by sanding, etc.
W3P1 from power supply connector 3J5.
c. Clean-the mounting surface by wiping with iso-
4. Disconnect cable assembly W4 connector
propyl alcohol and a lint-free cloth.
W4P2 from power supply connector 3J3.
5. Disconnect cable assembly W5 connector
W5P2 from power supply connector 3J1.
securing ower supply (1) to mounting base
frame (13 . Remove power supply (l).
Isopropyl alcohol is flammable and gives
off harmful vapors. Use only in well venti-
(2) Replacement.
lated area away from open flames and
sparks. Avoid prolonged or repeated inha-
(a) Place ower supply (1) in mounting base
lation of vapors.
frame 13). Align mounting holes.