ARMY TM 5-6675-308-34
(a) Release two clamping catches (18) and re-
(c) Remove capacitors C3 and C4 (5 and 6)
move porro prism cover (15) from IMU.
from thermostatic switch (4).
(2) Replacement.
(b) Remove two screws (16) and washers (17)
securing clamping catch (18) to porro prism
cover (15). Remove clamping catch.
(2) Replacement.
(a) Secure clamping catch (18) to porro prism
cover (15) with two screws (16) and washers
Isopropyl alcohol is flammable and gives
off harmful vapors. Use only in well-ven-
(b) Fit porro prism cover to IMU and secure
tilated area away from open flames and
with two clamping catches.
sparks. Avoid prolonged or repeated inha-
lation of vapors.
3-19. Installation Kit Maintenance.
Maintenance of the
Clean mountin surfaces of capacitors C3
installation kit consists of repairing the sub-floor plate,
and C4 (5 and 6) and thermostatic switch (4)
subfloor mounting bracket, and the control display unit
using isopropyl alcohol and lint-free mate-
a. Subfloor Plate. Repair of the subfloor plate con-
sists of replacing threaded inserts, repairing broken
mounting surfaces of capacitors C3 and C4
welds on strap tiedowns and stud, and removing dents.
(5 and 6) and thermostatic switch (4). Mount
capacitors. C3 and C4 (5 and 6) on thermo-
(1) Threaded Insert. Remove and replace threaded
static switch (4).
Cure adhesive for 72 hours minimum.
(2) Strap tie-downs. Repair broken welds per
Install gasket (7).
(3) Stud. Repair broken welds per MIL-W-8611.
Prepare and solder wires connecting ther-
mostatic switch (4) and capacitors C3 and
b. Subfloor Mounting Bracket. Repair of the sub-
C4 (5 and 6) using standard shop practices.
floor mounting bracket consists of replacing nut plates
Clean solder joint; remove excess flux.
and removing dents.
Install two screws (l), washers (2), and cover
(1) Nut plate. Remove and replace nut plate as
plate (3) securing thermostatic switch (4) to
upper IMU subassembly (12).
(a) Removal. Remove rivets securing nut plate
d. IMU Cover Repair. Repair of the IMU cover
by drilling or other suitable means. Remove
nut place.
c a t c h ( e s ) (9). Remove and replace the clamping
(b) Replacement.
catch(es) as follows:
1. Secure nut plate in position with rivets.
(1) Removal.
2. Swage rivets in place.
(a) Release clamping catch (9) from catch
3-20. Electrical Equipment Mounting Base Mainte-
(b) Remove two screws (8), washers (10), and
nance. Maintenance of the electrical equipment mount-
nuts (11 ) securing clamping catch (9) to
ing base consists of replacing upper and lower vibration
IMU cover (22). Remove clamping catch.
mounts, support strips, rear retainers, and plumb bob
(2) Replacement.
assembly, and repair of the plumb bob assembly. Figure
3-12 is an
exploded view of the
electrical equipment
(a) Secure clamping catch (9) to IMU cover
mounting base.
(22) with two screws (8), washers (10), and
nuts (11).
a. Vibration Mounts. Remove and replace upper
(b) Latch clamping catch (9) to catch strike.
2) as follows:
e. Porro Prism Cover Repair. Repair of the porro
(1) Removal.
clamping catch(es) 18). Remove and replace the clamp-
(a) Remove stop (2, upper) or screw (32, lower),
ing catch(es) as follows:
and washer (3, upper or 31, lower) securing
spacer (6, upper or 29, lower) to mounting
(1) Removal.