ARMY TM 5-6675-308-34
Figure 3-5. IMU Installed in Transit Case (Sheet 2 of 2)
3. Disconnect cable assembly M5 connector
W5P1 from IMU connector 2J4.
4. Disconnect cable assembly W5 connector
W5P3 from IMU connector 2J5.
IMU mounting bolt heads are secured to
provide clearance.
the bolts by shear pins to prevent over-
(c) Loosen two bolt assemblies (10) securing
tightening. Use torque wrench to torque
IMU (9) to IMU mounts (8) and pull IMU
the bolts to prevent breakage. If a cap is
(9) back to disengage guide pin (11) from
broken off, unscrew the bolt with a flat-
computer mounting base (12).
tip screw driver.
(cl) Lift IMU (9) out through side of mounting
base frame (13) opposite the plumb bob arm
(2) Replacement.
matched set in the IMU transit case (fig-
(a) Install IMU (9) through side of mounting
ing memory unit Al must be installed in
base frame (13).
(h) Engage guide pin (11) in hole provided in
(1) R e m o v a l .
computer mounting base (12).
(c) Engage and torque to 25 inch-pounds two
bolt assemblies (10) securing IMU (9) to
IMU as follows:
IMU mounts (8).
1. Disconnect cable assembly W2 connector
W2P1 from IMU connector 2J1.
(d) Check IMU foot contact.
(e) Increase torque to 50 inch-pounds for the
2. Disconnect cable assembly W4 connector
two bolt assemblies (10).
W4P1 from I MU connector 2J3.
Change 1