ARMY TM 5-6675-308-12
False Easting - CDU Word 8. Seven digits
the display indicates 1B. Three digits will be the
maximum, no decimal, in meters. No credibility.
maximum entry. A decimal will be illuminated on the
CDU. If the value is to be zero, ENT may be used as a
Northing Origin from Equator CDU Word 9.
default to, in effect, enter all zeroes. If, however, the
Nine digits maximum with decimal, in meters to the
value is known to one or two places only, the second
nearest one hundredth of a meter. No credibility.
or third zero must be entered. To avoid confusion, all
three digits must be entered. EXAMPLE .001 - enter
Central Meridian - CDU Word 10. Nine digits
0, 0, 1; .1 -enter 1, 0, 0; .01 -enter 0, 1, 0.
maximum with decimal, in degrees, minutes,
seconds, and hundredths of seconds. Zero is the
Once ENT is pressed, the display indicates 2A. If
international dateline. The center of the United States
known, enter the semi minor axis (refer to paragraph
of America would be approximately 72 degrees,
3-30b(7)), most significant portion of value (7 digits
Greenwich England 180 degrees, and mid Russia
maximum), then the decimal portion in the same
270 degrees.
m. Spare Word - CDU Word 11. This will be unused at
this time; however, the operator will be required to
6357XXX to 6355XXX. If the semi major axis is
press ENT to complete the table.
unknown, the operator should press ENT. The display
will advance to 3A.
3-32. Spheroid Data Review. ID 60 is
accessed for
spheroid 15 and ID 61 for spheroid 16. Once ID 60/61 is
Flattening. Enter the reciprocal of flattening or (1/f).
accessed, a table for each of the spheroids (external to the ID
This is a two word entry. The whole number is entered
table) will be accessed by CLR, ENT, and STOP inputs from
in 3A and the decimal value in 3B. 3A will be 3 digits
the CDU.
- credibility 290 to 305. 3B requires a full nine digit
C L R = Decrement table
number, unless it is zero in which case ENT may be
STOP = Exit table (to ID 60 or ID 61)
ENT = Increment table
3-33. Example of
User Defined Spheroids.
At this point in the entries, the software will
a. Use spheroid Clarke 1866 position data.
ascertain whether sufficient data has been
N 3410'01.01"
Scale Factor (Ko) - CDU Word 4. Six digits
W 11835'30.00"
maximum with a decimal. One whole numeral and
UTM = E 11:353290.87; N 3781616.63
five fractional numerals. Credibility 1.01XXX to
Elevation - immaterial
0.98XXX. Leading zero need not be entered in this
Refer to TM 5-241-1, Grids and Grid References
Zone Width (Zo) - CDU Word 5. Three digits
Clarke 1886 a = 6,378,206.4 meters
maximum with a decimal. Entry in degrees and tenths
b = 6,356,583.8 meters
of degrees. No credibility.
False Northing - (Northern Hemisphere) - CDU
Now -118 is = 62 from international dateline or
Word 6. Eight digits maximum, no decimal, in
zone 11. To determine central meridian for this
meters. No credibility.
example (to agree with known data).
False Northing - (Southern Hemisphere) - CDU
62/6 = 10.53. Zone 10 = 60, zone 11 = 66,
Word 7. Eight digits maximum, no decimal, in
therefore, 63 is center and use this as the central
meters. No credibility.
Change 3