ARMY TM 5-6675-308-12
a. PADS operates without degradation in performance
3-34. Operation in
Extremely Rough Terrain.
between -45C (-50F) and +52C (+125F). It may be
a. PADS will operate overall terrain within host vehicle
stored, without damage, between -45C (-50F) and +71C
limits. When operating over rough terrain at excessive speeds,
(+160F). Initialization, which normally takes about 30
PADS may request the operator to slow down. Under these
minutes, will be extended at temperatures below -20C
conditions, PADS will display SLO on the CDU data display.
vehicle enclosure, parking behind a wind break, or placing a
b. If the operator does not slow down, time to next
blanket or article of clothing over the heat exchanger exhaust
z e r o - v e l o c i t y correction will be reduced and the
will improve reaction time.
accuracy of the survey could be affected.
c. When SLO is displayed on CDU data display, the
b. At temperatures below -29C (-20F), keep the
operator will perform a zero-velocity correction as outlined
batteries warm. Use the vehicle heater during operation. Store
batteries in a warmer environment during periods of
nonoperation. (Refer to TM 9-6140-200-14.)
3-35. Operation at
Temperature Extremes.
c. When wearing arctic gloves or chemical protective
clothing, the eraser end of a pencil maybe used to operate the
Contact with power supply fins may cause
skin burns at high ambient temperatures.
3-36. Operation Under Emergency
Conditions. PADS
At extremely low temperatures, lead-acid
may be operated under blackout conditions, provided the
batteries which are not fully charged may
CDU panel can be read with the lamps dimmed. For
freeze and burst. Handle batteries in
measurements using a theodolite, the flashlight must shine on
accordance with TM 9-6140-200-14.
the porro prism for leveling and distance measurement.
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