ARMY TM 5-8875-308-12
Furnished with the PADS and described in figure 1-6, Tools are
Not applicable
PADS tool kit
used to remove and replace various hardware items.
To remove and reinstall radio equipment mounting bracket from
Wrench, combination, 3/8-inch
Not applicable
utiiity cargo vehicle (CUCV) and to install mounting base.
Not applicable
Wrench, combination, l/4-inch
To install CDU bracket in utility cargo vehicle (CUCV).
Not applicable
To remove right rear door handle in SUSV front car. To remove
Wrench, open end, 10 mm
heater access cover and brace in SUSV. To remove cIips to
driver's seat and backrest supports in SUSV. To install plumb
bob assembly in SUSV.
To remove toolbox from under right seat in SUSV. To remove
Not applicable
Wrench, open end, 13 mm
dash panel handle in SUSV. To disconnect cable from SUSV
battery terminal. To install frame assembly in SUSV.
Not applicable
Wrench, open end, 17 mm
To remove right rear seat belt in SUSV.
(6) Align the forward-facing slots in the subfloor plate
c. Cable W7 Installation. See figure 2-6 and perform
over the seat belt holes and loosely install, in each
cable W7 installation as follows:
hole, a bolt (3/8-inch diameter), seat belt, spacer,
large washer, and from below. a lockwasher and
in PADS utility truck installation kit.
To prevent injury to personnel or damage to
(7) Tighten the four bolts securing the subfloor plate
equipment, all rings, watches, bracelets, etc.
to subfloor mounting bracket (installed in
must be removed. Disconnect ground cable
step (4)).
first, before working with, or around,
batteries, Protect the ground cable from
(8) Using 9/16- and 5/8-inch wrench, tighten the two
accidental contact with other battery cables or
bolts (installed in step (5) or (6)).
posts, When finished with work, connect
ground cable last.
perform CDU bracket installation.
Remove utility truck battery cover.
(1) Remove two screws securing the right side of the
Remove utility truck battery-terminal cover and
instrument cluster on the dash panel; retain
ground cable clamp from negative post of right
battery and protect from accidental contact with
other cables or battery posts.
If utility truck does not have a handle, before
I n s e r t each lug end of cable W7 through a
bracket installation (step (3), below), a
k n o c k o u t in utility truck floor in the tool
l/4-inch hole must be drilled by direct support
compartment insert iugs through a second pair of
maintenance personnel.
knockouts, between tool compartment and battery
compartment; route cable to batteries. Make sure
(2) Remove left bolt, lockwasher, and nut securing
cable Y is flat against vehicle side.
handie to dash panel; retain hardware.
Place a grommet over the cable near a knockout
(3) Install utility truck CDU bracket and secure with
hole and work the grommet into the hole so the
two screws, bolt, lockwasher, and nut removed in
cable is protected. Repeat for three remaining
steps (1) and (2).
knockout holes.
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