ARMY TM 5-6675-308-12
Clear canvas and remove rear and right front
2-6. Vehicle Configuration.
seat, spare tire, and gas can from vehicle.
Remove two seat belt anchor bolts, seat belts,
washers, and nuts from the two jeep inboard
seat belt holes. If seat belts are not installed,
A vehicle used with PADS must supply at
there may be plastic plugs in these holes re-
least 60 amperes or more at 24 volts DC for
move plugs. If seat belt holes do not exist,
PADS operation.
these holes must be drilled by direct support
PADS is designed for operation in an M151A2
maintenance personnel in accordance with TM
utility truck with the normal 60 ampere alter-
5-6675-308-34 or Marine Corps TM 08837A-
nator and predrilled holes for seat belts. The
(2) At rear panel of utility truck, use 3/4-inch
Manufacturer Code 19207, NSN 2920-00-143-
wrench and adjustable wrench to remove the
4388 is recommended for M151 series vehicles
top (of four) nuts and washers from pintle bolts
which secure the towing pintle to utility truck
than 60 amperes. Installation instructions are in
body retain nuts and washers for later use.
TM 9-2320-218-20.
Install subfloor mounting bracket over exposed
b. The installation kit components required for using
pintle bolts with flared surface up and facing
PADS in the M151 utility truck (Jeep), the M1009
rearward. Reinstall washers and nuts removed
utility cargo vehicle (CUCV), the M998 multi-
in step (2).
purpose wheeled vehicle (HMMWV) and the
M973 small utility support vehicle (SUSV) are
Place subfloor plate in utility truck and loosely
attach it to subfloor mounting bracket, using
indicates which kit components are used with
four bolts (1/4-inch diameter) and washers
each vehicle. PADS operators install the com-
provided in M151 series vehicle kits. Use the
ponents. Alternate instructions are provided for
7/16-inch wrench.
installation in a utility truck without predrilled
seat-belt holes.
c. An M151 vehicle equipped with a hardtop and/or
gasoline-freed heater, and the M1009, M998 and
If there are no seat belt holes, be-
M973 vehicles must be prepared for PADS by
fore continuing with installation
direct support maintenance personnel in accor-
these holes must be drilled by direct
dance with TM 5-6675-308-34, or Marine Corps
support maintenance personnel in
TM 08837A-34/2.
accordance with TM 5-6675-308-34
or Marine Corps TM 08837A-34/2.
No installation kit is required to mount PADS in
an Army OH-58A, UH-lD, or UH-60 helicopter.
Nuts or washers can easily fall into
To use PADS in an Army OH-58C helicopter, the
the utility truck frame. You can
cargo pallets must be modified by direct support
block access to the frame with rags
maintenance personnel in accordance with TM
before installing the hardware.
5-6675-308-34, or Marine Corps TM 088367A-
Remove rags after installation.
34/2. Unique power adapters and cables are
Perform the following step if seat
belts are not installed.
e. Operators must install batteries in battery box for
(5) Align the forward-facing slots in the subfloor
use in all vehicles.
plate over the seat belt holes and loosely install,
in each hole, a bolt (3/8-inch diameter), large
2-7. Tools Required for Installation. Tools required for
washer, and from below, a lockwasher and nut
installation in a standard M151A2 utility truck, M1009
series utility cargo vehicle, M998 series multi-purpose
PADS utility truck installation kit.
wheeled vehicle and M973 small utility support vehicle
2-8. Installing Kit in
Standard M151 Utility
Perform the following step if seat belts
are to be installed.
form subfloor installation as follows:
Change 3