TM 5-6675-270-15
Section XIV.
b. Inspection. Inspect the vial for cracks,
etching and defective bubble. Inspect the vial
The plate level assembly is mounted on the base
cover for cracks, splits, scratches, and chipping.
of the U-frame between the upright members. It
Inspect the tube and bearing for cracks, burs, and
indicates when the theodolite has been brought
breaks. Inspect the spring for wear and fatigue.
to a horizontal position during adjustment of the
Inspect the vial end caps for damage. Inspect the
screws for worn or damaged threads.
c. Repair. Remove all nicks and burs. Replace
defective parts that cannot be repaired.
level assembly.
6-55. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair
level assembly.
a. Cleaning. Clean all metal parts with a clean-
ing solvent and dry thoroughly. Wipe the vial
and plastic vial cover with a soft cloth moistened
with grain alcohol.
Section XV.
6-59. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair
a. Cleaning. Clean the metal parts with a
The four clamp pins mounted on each corner of
cleaning solvent.
the U-frame are used to hold the theodolite
securely in the base of the carrying case when
b. Inspection. Inspect the clamp pins for burs,
nicks, and damaged threads.
c. Repair. Remove all burs and nicks. Replace
6-58. Removal
an unserviceable pin with a serviceable one.
6-60. Installation
Section XVI.
6-63. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair
a. Cleaning. Clean the metal parts with a clean-
The right-side support cover is located on the
right-side of the theodolite near the top of the
ing solvent and dry thoroughly.
U-frame. The right-side support cover encloses
b. Inspection. Inspect the threaded parts for
components of the vertical clamp assembly except
damaged threads, burs, and nicks. Inspect the
for the vertical clamp screw and stop ring. The
cover for dents, burs, cracks, and breaks.
vertical clamp screw and stop ring are accessible
c. Repair. Remove all burs, nicks, and minor
from outside the cover. The cover must be removed
dents. Replace a defective part that cannot be
to gain access to the remaining components of
the vertical clamp assembly.
the right-side support cover.
the right-aide support cover.