TM 5-6675-270-15
Section XVII.
6-67. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair
The vertical clamp lever is mounted on the right
a. Cleaning. Clean all parts with a cleaning
side of the U-frame beneath the right side support
solvent and dry thoroughly.
cover. It transmits the action of the vertical slow-
b. Inspection. Inspect the spring for wear and
motion screw to the telescope axis while the
fatigue. Inspect the arm for dents, bum, and
operator makes fine vertical adjustments of the
bends. Inspect the mounting screws for damaged
telescope. The vertical clamp, located behind the
threads. Inspect the clamp and clamp housing for
vertical clamp lever, serves to clamp the telescope
cracks, dents, and wear.
firmly in position at any desired point in the
vertical plane. The clamp also works in conjunc-
c. Repair. Remove minor dents and burs. Re-
tion with the vertical slowmotion screw to permit
place defective parts that cannot be repaired.
slow and precise adjustments of the telescope in
the vertical plane.
clamp assembly.
a. Remove the
vertical clamp assembly (para
b. Install the
vertical clamp assembly (para
vertical clamp assembly.
b. Inspection. Inspect all threaded surfaces for
worn or damaged threads. Inspect the spring for
The vertical slowmotion screw is located on the
wear or fatigue. Inspect the pin and housing for
right-side of the U-frame. It is used by the opera-
burs, cracks, and bends. Inspect the adjusting
tor to make precise and final adjustments of the
screw and split nut for burs, wear, and damage.
telescope position in the vertical plane.
c. Repair. Remove all burs. Replace defective
parts that cannot be repaired.
the vertical slowmotion screw.
6-71. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair
the vertical slowmotion screw.
a. Cleaning. Clean all parts with a cleaning
solvent. Remove all grease and foreign matter
b. Adjust the vertical slowmotion screw
from the inside of the spring housing. Thoroughly
clean the lead screw, split nut, and screw bushing.
vertical collimation level assembly.
the operator to establish an exact horizontal plane
6-75. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair
and to make precise measurements relative to that
a. Cleaning. Clean all metal parts with a clean-
plane. It is located on the upper left-side of the
ing solvent. Clean and polish the prisms with lens
tissue dipped in grain alcohol or acetone.
b. Inspection. Inspect the prisms for chips,
scratches, and etchings. Inspect the housing, beam,
vial cover, and prism plate for dents, burs, breaks,