TM 5-6675-270-15
Figure 6-5. Horizontal circle prism assembly, disassembly and assembly.
6-24. Assembly
parts having minor thread damage. Replace de-
a. Refer to
figure 6-5 and
assemble the
fective parts that cannot be repaired.
zontal circle prism assembly.
b. Install the horizontal circle prism assembly
Section VI.
6-27. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair
a. Cleaning. Clean all parts with a cleaning
The horizontal slowmotion screw assembly per-
solvent and dry thoroughly. Remove all grease
mits the operator of the theodolite to make slow
and foreign matter from inside the housing,
and precise lateral corrections to the azimuth of
spring, and spring housing. Thoroughly clean the
the telescope after making a rough sighting to
lead screw, stop nut, and threaded bushing.
the target.
b. Inspection. Inspect all threaded surfaces for
worn or damaged threads. Inspect the spring for
wear, breaks, and collapsed coils. Inspect the pin
and housing for burs, cracks, and bends. Inspect
the horizontal slowmotion screw assembly.