a. Replace dc-to-ac inverter (para
c. Replace dc-to-ac inverter (para
nect aircraft dc power connected from direction
3-12. Removal and Replacement of Control
finder set.
Caution: Before removing control unit, dis-
a. Removal.
connect aircraft dc power connected from direc-
(1) Disiconnect sense antenna and loop an-
tion finder set.
tenna cable connection at front of receiver
a. Removal.
(2) Loosen the nut at front of receiver mount
(1) Remove the cable and connector at the
(fig. 1-3) which engages a
hook on
rear of control unit.
(2) The control unit is secured to the pilot's
down to clear front of receiver.
instrument panel or control console with
(3) Grasp handle at front of receiver and pull
f o u r Dzus type, quarter-turn fasteners
receiver forward, removing receiver off
(one fastener at each corner of control
panel). Loosen the four fasteners and re-
move control unit.
b. Replacement.
b. Replacement.
(1) Slide receiver onto receiver mount and
make certain that connector at rear of re-
(1) Mount control unit on instrument panel
ceiver mates with connector at the rear of
and tighten the four quarter-turn fasteners.
receiver mount.
(2) Reconnect cable and connector at rear of
(2) Engage nut at front of receiver mount with
control unit.
book at front of receiver and tighten the
3 - 1 3 . R e m o v a l a n d Replacement of Receiver
(3) Connect the sense and loop antenna cables.
Caution: Before removing receiver, discon-