Section I. GENERAL
Note. The pilot or copilot does not perform preventive or organisational maintenance.
g. Removal and replacement of
receiver (para
3-1. Scope of Maintenance
The main duties assigned to the organizational
h. Removal and replacement of receiver mount
electronic equipment repairman or crew chief are
listed below, together with references to paragraphs
covering the specific maintenance functions. The
32. Tools, Materials, and Test Equipment
tools, materials, and test equipment are listed in
a. Tool Kit, Electronic Equipment TK105/G.
a. intermediate preventive maintenance checks
b. Brush, MIL-G-7241.
b. Periodic preventive maintenance checks and
c. Drycleaning Solvent, Federal Specification
services (para 3-81).
d. Cleaning Compound, Federal stock No. 7930-
e. Lint free cloth.
f. Sandpaper, fine No. 000.
f. Removal and replacement of
control unit (para
maintain Army electronic equipment in a combat-
3 - 3 . Preventive Maintenance
serviceable condition; that is, in good physical con-
Preventive maintenance is the systematic care,
dition and in good operating condition. To help the
servicing, and inspection of equipment to prevent
organizational electronic equipment repairman or
the occurrence of trouble, to reduce downtime, and
crew chief in maintaining combat serviceability, the
to make certain the equipment is serviceable.
chart indicates what to check, how to check, and
a. Systematic Care. The procedures given in
the normal conditions. The References column lista
t h e paragraphs or manuals containing supple-
care and cleaning essential to proper upkeep and
mentary information. If the trouble cannot be
operation of the equipment.
remedied by the organisational electronic equip-
ment repairman or crew chief, higher level mainte-
b. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services.
nance or repair is required. Records and reports of
The preventive maintenance checks and services
these checks and services must be made in accord-
chart (para 3-5) lists functions to be performed at
ance with the requirements set forth in TM 38-750.
specific intervals. These checks and services are to