for unserviceable components, assem-
A3-1. General.
blies, or subassemblies.
a. This appendix assigns maintenance functions
Repair. To restore an item to serviceable
to be performed on components, assemblies, and
condition through correction of a spe-
subassemblies by the lowest appropriate mainte-
cific failure or unserviceable condition.
nance category.
This function includes but is not limited
b. Columns in the maintenance allocation chart
to welding, grinding, riveting, straight-
are M follows:
ening, and replacement of parts other
than the trial and error replacement of
(1) Part or component. This column shows
running spare type items such as fuses,
only the nomenclature or standard item
lamps, or electron tubes.
name. Additional descriptive data are in-
Align. To adjust two or more compo-
included only where clarification is neces-
nents of an electrical system so that their
sary to identify the component. Compo-
functions are properly synchronized.
nents, assemblies, and subassemblies are
l i s t e d in top-down order. That is, the
Calibrate. To determine, check, or rec-
assemblies which are part of a component
tify the graduation of an instrument,
are listed immediately below that com-
weapon, or weapons system, or compo-
ponent, and subassemblies which are part
nents of a weapons system.
of an assembly are listed immediately be-
Overhaul. To restore an item' to com-
low that assembly. Each generation break-
pletely serviceable condition as pre-
down (components, assemblies, or sub-
scribed by serviceability standards. This
assemblies) is listed in disassemble y order
is accomplished through employment of
or alphabetical order.
the technique of "Inspect and Repair
Only as Necessary" (IROAN). Maxi-
(2) Maintenance function. This column indi-
mum utilization of diagnostic and teat
cates the various maintenance functions
equipment is combined with minimum
allocated to the categories.
disassembly of the item during the over-
(a) Service. To clean, to preserve, and to
haul process.
Rebuild. To restore an item to a stand-
(b) Adjust. To regulate periodically to pre-
ard as near as possible to original or new
vent malfunction.
condition in appearance, performance,
(c) Inspect. To verify serviceability and
and life expectancy. This is accomp-
detect incipient electrical or mechanical
lished through the maintenance tech-
failure by scrutiny.
nique of complete disassembly of the
(d) Test. To verify serviceability and to de-
item, inspection of all parts or compo-
tect incipient electrical or mechanical
nents, repair or replacement of worn or
failure by use of special equipment such
unserviceable elements using original
as gages, meters, etc.
manufacturing tolerances and/or spec-
(e) Replace. To substitute serviceable com-
ifications, and subsequent reassembly
ponents, assemblies, or subassemblies,
of the item.