by lightly rubbing them with fine sandpaper. Brush
3-6. Cleaning
two thin coats of paint on the bare metal to prevent
Inspect the exteriors of the control unit, receiver,
further corrosion. Refer to the applicable cleaning
and receiver mount. The exterior surfaces and
and refinishing practices specified in TB SIG 364.
vibration isolators on receiver mount should be
Refer to TM 9-213 for care of painting equipment.
clean and free of dust, dirt, grease, and fungus.
a. Remove dust and loose dirt with a clean soft
38. Periodic Preventive Maintenance
Checks and Services
Warning: Cleaning compound is flammable
a. General. Perform the maintenance functions
and its fumes are toxic. Provide adequate ven-
indicated in the periodic preventive maintenance
tilation. Do not use near an open flame.
checks and services chart (para 3-91 every 100 fly-
b. Remove grease, fungus, and ground-in dirt
ing hours (concurrently with the aircraft periodic
from the equipment cases and receiver mount; use
preventive maintenance checks and services) in ad-
a cloth dampened (not wet) with cleaning com-
dition to the intermediate preventive maintenance
checks and services (para 35). All deficiencies or
c. Remove dust or dirt from cable and equipment
shortcomings will be recorded in accordance with
connectors with a soft brush. Remove grease or
the requirements of TM 38-750. Perform all the
grime with a lint free cloth moistened with dry-
checks and services given in the chart in the se-
cleaning solvent. Dry with compressed air
quence listed.
Caution: Do not press on the tuning meter
face (lens) when cleaning the control unit; the
b. Periodic Pullout Inspection. During the air-
meter may be damaged.
craft periodic preventive maintenance checks and
services, the electronic equipment will be removed
d. Clean the control unit front panel, FRE-
from the aircraft for bench tests and inspections,
QUENCY dial window, and control knobs; use a
and replacement electronic equipments will be re-
soft, clean, lint free cloth. If dirt is hard to remove,
installed from float stock. These tests and inspec-
dampen cloth in water or for more effective clean-
ing, use a mild soap,
tions are performed by direct support personnel.
Perform the intermediate and periodic preventive
3-7. Preservation
maintenance checks and services after the float
Remove rust and corrosion from metal surfaces
stock has been installed.