Figure 2-6. Radio range orientation.
e. The true null and direction to the radio station
2-7. Stopping Procedure
may be indicated by either end of the bearing
Set the function switch to OFF.
pointer. To resolve this ambiguity, maneuver air-
plane for a null indication off the wings instead of
2-8. Operating Precautions
dead ahead or behind the airplane. Fly on this null
a. Operating Range. The operating range of the
heading to determine which direction the null
direction finder set depends on the the terrain,
moves. The null that moves toward the tail surfaces
is the true null.
ment will normally operate over a range of 15 or
20 miles.
f. Maneuver airplane to place the true null end
of bearing pointer under the lubber line and fly on
b. Night Effect. Night effect is usually mani-
fested by skywaves of distant radio stations caus-
thin heading.