ARMY TM 5-6675-308-34
Cut length of 28 AWG stranded insulated
wire long enough to connect termination
Removal of 5V power supply circuit card
points of damaged circuitry. Strip insulation
assembly Al (15) and 15V power supply
for a length of 1/8 inch at each end of wire.
circuit card assembly A2 (22) are identi-
cal, therefore, only 5V power supply cir-
Solder wire to terminations using standard
shop practices.
cuit card assembly Al will be covered.
1. Loosen 10 captive screws (20) securing
Tack wire to flexprint at one-inch-intervals
end plate (19) to chassis (10); remove end
as follows:
2, Loosen two screws (17) securing wedge-
locks (16) until 5V ower supply circuit
card assembly Al (15 is free.
Isopropyl alcohol is flammable and gives
It may be necessary to loosen the wedges
off harmful vapors. Use only in well-ven-
if they become frozen. This can be done
tilated area away from open flames and
by simply tapping the wedge screws
sparks. Avoid prolonged or repeated inha-
downward until the bottom wedges be-
lation of vapors.
come loose.
1. Clean wire and flexprint tack points using
3. Loosen three captive screws (18) securing
isopropyl alcohol.
5V power supply circuit card assembly
Al (15) heat sink to chassis (10).
2. Apply bonding primer (A4094) to tack
4. Use a card extractor to remove 5V power
points on flexprint. Allow to air dry.
supply circuit card assembly Al (15).
3. Apply adhesive (RTV 156 or 30-079) to
(b) Replacement.
tack points on flexprint and wire, apply
sufficient pressure to ensure good bond.
(g) Replace memory unit (7 or 7.1).
Replacement of 5V power supply circuit
card assembly Al (15) and 15V power
(h) Replace circuit card assemblies (28 thru 36).
supply circuit card assembly A2 (22) are
identical; therefore, only 5V power sup-
(i) Torque 16 screws (2) and washers (1) secur-
ing computer cover (3) to computer subas-
ply circuit card assembly Al will be cov-
sembly (10) 16 inch-pounds using procedure
Insert 5V power supply circuit card as-
sembly Al (15) into slot in chassis (10)
d. Computer Power Supply Repair. Computer
and carefully guide it into place.
power supply repair consists of removal and replace-
ment of circuit card assemblies, guide pins, captive
2. Just before the connectors mate, check
screws, RFI gasket, and repair of the wiring harness.
that 5V power supply circuit card assem-
Replacement of the guide pins and captive screws are
bly Al (15) is free in its guides and its top
edge is parallel to the chassis (10) top
an exploded view of the computer power supply. Refer
3. Seat 5V power supply circuit card assem-
to table 4-21 for circuit card identification. Replace-
bly Al (15) by applying moderate, even
ment of the circuit card assemblies and repair of the
pressure at both corners. The top should
wiring harness is described in the following paragraph.
be flush with the chassis top surface. If
(1) 5V power supply circuit card assembly Al and
card does not readily seat, pull card out
F&tier supply circuit card assembly A 2. Remove
and inspect for bent or broken connector
and replace 5V ower supply circuit card assembly A1
4. Tighten three captive screws (18) secur-
ing 5V power supply circuit card assem-
assembly A2 (22) as follows:
(a) R e m o v a l .
bly Al (15) heat sink to chassis (10).
4-134 Change 1