ARMY TM 5-6675-308-34
8. Use a card extractor to remove 5V power
downward until the bottom wedges be-
supply circuit card assembly A1 (15).
come loose.
9. Tighten remaining two screws (11) secur-
3. Loosen six captive screws (18) securing
5V ower supply circuit card assembly
ing wiring harness (5) to chassis (10).
A1 (15) and 15V power supply circuit
10. Finish securing wiring harness A3 (5) to
card assembly A2 (22) heat sinks to chas-
chassis (10) with two screws (6), washers (7),
sis (10).
and spacers (8), and nut (9). Apply sealing
4. Use a card extractor to remove 5V power
compound (MIL-S-22473, Grade C) to
supply circuit card assembly A1 (15) and
threads of screws (6). Tighten nut 110 to 120
15V power supply circuit card assembly
inch-pounds. Check electrical bonding be-
A2 (22).
tween nut and chassis (10) with an ohm-
5. Remove 14 screws (1) and washers (2)
securing cover (3) to chassis (10); remove
11. Insert 5V power supply circuit card as-
6. Remove two screws (6), washers (7), and
sembly A1 (15) and 15V power supply
spacers (8), four screws (11) and washers
circuit card assembly A2 (22) into their
(12), and nut (9) securing wiring harness
respective slots in chassis (10) and care-
A3 (5) to chassis (9); carefuly remove
fuly guide them into place.
wiring harness A3.
12. Just before the connectors mate, check
(b) Repair. Repair of the wiring harness A3 (5)
that 5V power supply circuit card assem-
consists of replacing damaged wires and components.
bly A1 (15) and 15V power supply circuit
card assembly A2 (22) are free in their
wiring and components using standard shop practices.
respective guides and top edges are paral-
lel to the chassis (10).
(c) Replacement.
13. Seat 5V power supply circuit card assem-
1. Install wiring harness A3 (5) in chassis
bly A1 (15) and 15V power supply circuit
(10) and loosely attach with four screws
card assembly A2 (22) by applying moder-
(11) and washers (12).
ate, even pressure at both corners of each
2. Insert 5V power supply circuit card as-
card. The top should be flush with the
sembly A1 (15) into slot in chassis (10)
chassis top surface. If 5V power supply
and carefully guide it into place.
circuit card assembly A1 (15) or 15V
power supply circuit card assembly A2
3. Just before the connectors mate, check
(22) does not readily seat, pull the card
that 5V power supply circuit card assem-
out and inspect for bent or broken con-
bly A1 (15) is free and its guides and its
nector pins.
top edge is parallel to the chassis (10) top
14. Tighten six captive screws (18) securing
4. Seat 5V power supply circuit card assem-
5V power supply circuit card assembly
bly A1 (15) by applying moderate, even
A1 (15) and 15V power supply circuit
pressure at both corners. The top should
card assembly A2 (22) heat sinks to chas-
be flush with the chassis top surface. If
sis (10).
card does not readily seat, pull the card
15. Tighten four screws (17) in wedgelocks
out and inspect for bent or broken con-
(16) of 5V power supply circuit card as-
nector pins.
sembly A1 (15) and 15V power supply
5. Tighten two screws (17) in wedgelock
circuit card assembly A1 (22) until wedge
(16) until wedge is tight against edge of
is tight against edge of slot.
slot. Allow wiring harness A3 (5) to seek
16. Inspect gasket (21) on end plate (19).
its optimum position when wedgelocks
Replace if cracked, torn, or excessively
are tightened 4 to 5 inch-pounds.
6. Tighten top two screws (11) securing wir-
ing harness (5) to chassis (10) while hold-
17. Secure end plate (19) to chassis (10) with
ing card (15).
10 captive screws (20).
7. Loosen two screws (17) securing wedge-
18. Secure cover (3) to chassis (10) with 14
locks (16) until 5V power supply circuit
screws (1) and washers (2).
card assembly A1 (15) is loose.
Change 5