ARMY TM 5-6675-308-12
Remove D-rings from helicopter cargo plat-
Use extreme care when working under
helicopter blades.
Save five D-rings for later use. Store the
Make sure blades are secured when
rest in the battery box top.
helicopter engine is off.
Set PS BATTERY circuit breaker CB1 to OFF.
Make sure rotor swath is clear before
BATT indicator lights. Disconnect battery
starting helicopter.
cable W6 from PS connector 3J2.
To prevent injury use at least three per-
Lift primary pallet into helicopter and locate in
sons to transfer primary pallet.
on left cargo platform with porro prism facing
The PADS CDU must be secured to the
operator, primary pallet, or aircraft to
Mate alignment pin bracket to right bottom
avoid becoming a missile hazard during
rail (side opposite porro prism) of primary
pallet. Adjust alignment pins as necessary.
a crash.
Secure alignment pin bracket to cargo platform
Refueling of the aircraft should not be
with two D-rings. Secure left side (porro prism
performed while either the land vehicle
side) of primary pallet with two clamping
or the helicopter is running; start-up of
brackets and D-rings.
the vehicle near the aircraft is especial-
ly hazardous due to the potential for
Transfer the battery box to the right cargo
platform. Connect battery cable W6 to PS con-
spark or backfire around accumulating
nector 3J2. Set PS BATTERY circuit breaker
JP-4 fumes.
CB1 to ON. BATT indicator goes out.
Position battery-box-locating bracket over
center rear-tiedown receptacle. Secure with a
the PADS equipment shall be shut down
D-ring. Fasten and secure battery-box belt to
D-rings on both sides of the battery box.
Strap auxiliary gear to cargo platforms. Slide
excess transfer cable W8 between the cargo
Ensure helicopter has J119 connector
platforms to the helicopter floor.
Without disconnecting cable W1, remove CDU
Transfer system to helicopter power
from computer bracket and secure to helicopter
leg mount (located in battery box top). Route
quickly to minimize discharge of
to passenger's seat.
v . Select the new lever arms for the helicopter. Refer
Initiate a zero velocity correction
whenever the system is stationary.
Secure helicopter doors. Reinstall radio, spare tire,
Before initializing for a helicopter mission, connect
and gas can on vehicle, if removed. Load survey and
transfer cable W8, located in top of battery box, be-
personal gear, which will not he used during the
tween Power Supply connector 3J4 and power cable
helicopter mission, onto the vehicle.
During flight. the CDU is strapped to the operator's
so it can be extended without tangling.
a. Prepare helicopter for PADS as follows:
Transfer to UH-1 Helicopter with Rotor Stopped.
(1) Remove end seat section on starboard side
(2) Disconnect seat legs from floor of rear star-
PADS is to be installed only in a Medivac
board seat, fold seat against wall and lock in
model of the UH-1.
position with self-contained fasteners (see
PADS may be transferred from a land vehicle to a UH-1
helicopter - while operating. The procedure for transfer
with the helicopter rotor stopped is given below.
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