ARMY TM 5-6675-308-12
3-22. Recording PADS Data.
3-21. Adjacent Grid Zone. (Not Functional in
graphic Coordinate System Operation.)
a. Mark. Record station, ID number, PAE display,
zone, easting, northing, elevation, grid azimuth (if mea-
sured), and distance for each position marked. Record
correct UTM grid zone. If you are within approximately
all mean-horizontal angles and offset distances mea-
80 kilometers of a zone boundary, and wish to enter or
sured. Also record all malfunctions which occur during
recall northing and easting in terms of the adjacent zone,
the survey mission.
press ADZ. The ADZ indicator will light. Enter or recall the
b. Update. After any update except the initial one,
desired data.
recall an record all adjusted data stored since the last
b. The ADZ indicator will extinguish if PADS is
update. The assistant operator should check all data.
further than 80 kilometers from a zone boundary or a
PADS does not adjust distances or azimuths obtained
function other than northing or casting is selected.
using a theodolite.
c. For examples of recording PADS data, refer to
c. If REJ is displayed on the data display window,
FM 6-2, chapter 8.
PADS is not within the 80 kilometer zone boundary.
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