ARMY TM 5-6675-308-12
vehicle, or when an azimuth line of less that 100 meters is
3-17. Marking 2-Position Azimuth Mark
Plumb Bob. (Not Functional in Geographic Coordinate
System Operations.)
To increase visibility, color the theodolite sight
The vehicle must be able to travel to quickly
white with typewriter correctionfluid. At night,
between both ends of the azimuth line, 100 to 1000
illuminate the sight with the theodolite handlamp.
meters long. If the distance between the points is
If possible, PADS should be positioned so that the
less than 100 meters or the travel time is too long,
direct sunlight does not shine on the porro prism. If
the accuracy of the computed azimuth may be
the sun is reflected by the porro prism, the operator
degraded and the PAE display will show E in the
will have difficulty in performing autoreflection.
azimuth location, meaning there is a probable error
a. Autoreflection. Prior to making any optical
in azimuth.
measurements, t h e PADS operator must achieve
Time begins when flashing green "GO" goes solid
autoreflection. To achieve autoreflection, perform the
and ends when the "MARK" is pushed at the
second position.
(1) Stop vehicle close to SCP or point to be
e s t a b l i s h e d , exit vehicle, and perform a
The Distance/Time parameters are
zero-velocity correction by pressing STOP in the
100 meters/76 seconds
150 meters/85 seconds
200 meters/93 seconds
(2) Set up theodolite over SCP or point to be
300 meters/109 seconds.
established. If an azimuth is required, set up range
pole over azimuth marker.
a. Mark one end of the azimuth line in accordance with
(3) Uncover and roughly level the porro prism.
b. proceed immediately without delay to the second point.
(4) The vehicle operator makes certain that the CDU
has a flashing "GO" light and maneuvers the
c. As soon as vehicle is in motion, press ID 0 ENT DIST.
vehicle so that the porro prism is visible from the
Distance in meters from the marked point to the present
theodolite and is within 16 meters. The PADS
vehicle position will be displayed. Make certain the
operator, standing behind the theodolite, instructs
azimuth line is 100 to 1000 meters long.
the vehicle operator to slowly maneuver the vehicle
d. Upon arrival at second point, maneuver vehicle to
until the theodolite is reflected in the porro prism
and autoreflection is obtained. An alternate
steps a through c.
procedure, especially useful for helicopter
operations, is to keep the vehicle stationary and
e. P r e s s M A R K . and ENT indicators light.
move the theodolite until autoreflection is achieved.
Display shows 2 POS C-E.
f. Press ENT. Display shows PAUSE.
(5) Vehicle operator exits the vehicle, presses the
g. The mark is completed when MARK, ENT, and STOP
STOP key, and fine-level the porro prism.
indicators extinguish, GO indicator flashes and display
(6) The PADS operator then checks to sce if
shows ID PAE 222. PADS has automatically assigned
autoreflection can still be achieved. If not, repeat
the next ID number and stored position, azimuth, and
steps (1) through (5) if necessary.
elevation. The azimuth is from the second point to the
first. The azimuth from the first point to the second is
(7) Focus the theodolite so the reflected image of the
added to the data stored for the first point.
theodolite front sight is centered on the vertical
h. Press E, N, EL, DIST. GAZ, and record the unadjusted
line-of-sight is now perpendicular to the porro
i. Mark the surveyed point with witness stake. Stow
Mean Horizontal Angle Measurement. See
plumb bob and other equipment.
Make certain the CDU has a flashing "GO" and
(1) Autoreflection porro prism
proceed to the next point.
(2) Measure direct angle (in mils) from porro prism
clockwise to azimuth target.
measurements may be performed any time throughout the
survey mission, but must always be performed when the
(3)*Plunge theodolite telescope and measure reverse angle
update SCP is inaccessible to the PADS vehicle, when a
(in mils) from azimuth target to porro prism
position to be established is inaccessible to the PADS
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