ARMY TM 5-6675-308-12
(4) If the difference between direct and reverse
Measure and record the mean horizontal angle
pointings is greater than 0.2 mil, repeat the
and offset distance in accordance with paragraph
3-18, subparagraphs b
and c.
f. The time between steps d and i must be at least
(5) Mean the direct and reverse pointings to obtain
until display shows
64 seconds, so do not press
the mean horizontal angle.
" 00. Without disturbing the
a flashing "
c. Offset Distance Measurement.
vehicle, press
the display will show PAUSE
After pressing
while PADS checks for excessive motion. If the
At night, illuminate porro prism scale
vehicle was disturbed or moved, the display will
with PADS mounted flashlight. Porro
C-E and the operator must repeat steps
prism has two scales for inverting and
d through g.
noninverting instruments.
PADS displays
If distance between porro prism scale and
theodolite is less than 8 meters, locate left
Enter mean-horizontal angle to the nearest 0.01
vertical stadia line on porro prism scale zero
mil. PADS cues for distance by flashing "D'" on
mark. Read the scale where the right stadia
line intersects the scale. Example: See figure
Press DIST. Display shows D. Enter offset dis-
3-6, view C.) Stadia lines on 0
and 3.8 on
tance to nearest 0.1 meter. Press E N T ; PADS
scale. Offset distance is 3.8 meters.
displays PAUSE.
If offset distance is between 8 and 16 meters,
When MARK, ENT, and STOP indicators extin-
locate left stadia line on zero mark and read
guish and "GO" indicator flashes, display indi-
the distance to the center vertical crosshair
cates ID PAE 111. PADS has assigned the next
where it intersects the scale; then, multiply it
ID number and stored the position and azimuth
stadia line is at zero, vertical crosshair is on
4.8 of scale, offset distance equals 4.8 x 2 or
Press E, N , EL, and G A Z and record the unad-
9.6 meters.
justed survey data.
Mark the surveyed points with witness stakes and
stow all equipment.
3-19. Marking -
Position, Azimuth, and Elevation
Using Theodolite.
Make certain the CDU has a flashing "GO", and
proceed to next point.
At the completion of an update, PADS
3-20. Marking - Position and
Elevation Using Theod-
will not adjust the azimuth obtained in a
position, azimuth, and elevation mark us-
ing a theodolite.
a. Stop vehicle close to SCP or point to be estab-
and "READ".
Display alternates between
lished. Exit vehicle and perform a zero-velocity
Press CLR to bypass the 64-second motion test
correction by pressing STOP key on CDU.
and mean-horizontal angle entry. PADS will cue
b. Set up theodolite over SCP or point to be estab-
for distance by flashing "D".
lished and achieve autoreflection as described in
Press DIST and enter distance to the nearest 0.1
meter. Display shows PAUSE.
c. Once autoreflection is achieved, the PADS oper-
MARK, ENT, arsd STOP indicators extinguish;
ator instructs the assistant PADS operator to
"GO" indicator flashes and display reads ID
press MARK. If display shows 2 POS C-E, press
PAE 1-1. PADS has assigned the next ID number
CLR. Display now shows C-E.
and stored the position data.
d. Press E N T . Display alternates between
Press E, N, EL, and record the unadjusted data.
"READ" for 64 seconds and then displays a
.00. The alternating
"/" "READ"
Mark the surveyed point with witness stake and
for 64 seconds is a motion test. During the mo-
stow equipment.
tion test, the vehicle must not be moved or dis-
Make certain the CDU has a flashing "GO"' and
turbed. The assistant PADS operator now becomes
proceed to the next point.
the recorder for the PADS operator.
Change 2