TM 11-5826-225-35
Figure 2-22. Control unit, left side view.
and ADF positions and indicate zero
(19) Set CONTROL TEST switch to posi-
ohms for LOOP and ANT positions.
cate 25 ohms with the range switch
(15) Set CONTROL TEST switch to posi-
tion 9. The multimeter should indi-
set to the 400- to 850-kc range and
c a t e zero ohms with the function
zero ohms for the other two ranges.
switch set to ADF or LOOP position
(20) Set CONTROL TEST switch to posi-
and infinity for OFF or ANT posi-
cate 25 ohms with the range switch
(16) Set CONTROL TEST switch to posi-
set to the 850- to 1750-kc range and
tion 10. The multimeter should indi-
zero ohms for the other two ranges.
cate infinity with the function switch
set to OFF or LOOP position and zero
(21 ) If the test results are not as specified
ohms for ADF or ANT positions.
in steps (18) through (20), either
(17) If the test results are not as specified
range switch S304 or resistor R308
in steps (13) through (16), function
is defective.
switch S302 is defective.
(18) Set CONTROL TEST switch to posi-
2-12. Localizing Troubles
tion 11. The multimeter should indi-
cate 25 ohms with the control unit
essary after using the test set, refer to d i s -
range switch set to the 190- to 400-
assembly and reassembly procedures in chapter
kc position and zero ohms for the
other two ranges.
Change 1 2-39