TM 11-5826-225-35
Figure 2-21. Control unit, top view.
tion 5 and set function switch to
ANT or LOOP position. The multi-
ADF. As the GAIN control is rotated
meter should read infinity. With the
clockwise, the multimeter should in-
function switch set to ADF, the multi-
dicate from 600 ohms to zero ohms. A
meter should read approximately 650
ohms for any GAIN control setting
fied indicates trouble in the bridged
or R301A and R301B.
(13) Set CONTROL TEST switch to posi-
R301-B, R304, and R305.
tion 7 and set function to ADF, ANT,
(11) Set function switch to either LOOP
or LOOP position. The multimeter
o r ANT position. The multimeter
should indicate zero ohms. Set func-
should indicate zero ohms. Any other
tion switch to OFF. The multimeter
reading indicates that function switch
should read infinity.
wafer S302-A is not making contact.
(14) Set CONTROL TEST to position 8.
(12) Set CONTROL TEST switch to posi-
tion 6 and function switch to either
with the function switch set to OFF