c. Receiver Waveforms. Typical waveforms
at significant points in the receiver are s h o w n
when obtaining data for comparison with the
following conditions:
(3) The 150PF270PF control on the
(6) For bfo Q21, do not connect RF Signal
the BFOOFF switch on the test set
to OFF.
adjusted to obtain a waveform similar
a n Q 2 5 is o b t a i n e d w i t h s e r v o m o t o r
locked. After B5 is locked, by
(5) Except for bfo Q21, waveform data is
b l o c k i n g the gear train, adjust the
URM-25( ) connected to the test set
URM-25( ) is tuned for 200 kc (set
BFOOFF switch on the test set to
ON and tune AN/URM-25( ) for a
z e r o beat in t h e h e a d s e t , t h e n s e t
B F O - O F F switch to OFF). The AN
U R M - 2 5 ( ) output is then adjusted
for 1,000 microvolts, modulated 30
percent at 400 cps.