TM 11-5826-225-35
measurements with the ohmmeter leads con-
2-9. Additional Troubleshooting Data
nected one way and then reverse the leads.
measurements, check a receiver known to be
are given in the chart below.
in good operating condition. Since all low-
power transistors of the pluck-out type op-
erate on very low voltages, a capacitor seldom
causes trouble. If an IF transformer is sus-
pected of having an open winding, remove the
associated transistor before making resistance
m e a s u r e m e n t s . For all resistance measure-
meter on the RX100 range.
If the receiver is inoperative in all
operating modes (no sound or bearing indica-
tion) and a shorted voltage regulator filter ca-
pacitor is suspected, check the resistance of
2-7) before applying power.
e. Voltage Measurements. M a k e voltage
measurements in accordance with figure 217.
T r a n s i s t o r s in the push-pull RF amplifier,
be measured. In these transistor stages, a slight
shift in transistor characteristics may change
emitter and base-bias voltages from that in-
dicated in figure 217. If this occurs, try an-
other transistor. When making voltage meas-
with equivalent characteristics,
f. Waveforms. U s i n g O s c i l l o s c o p e A N /
USM140, make waveform checks and compare
Waveform checks will help to isolate trouble
in the balanced modulator, synchronous filter,
tor pins or wires. Use a low capacity probe.
g. Illustrations. Use the main schematic dia-
gram (fig. 5-10) in conjunction with the stage
and interunit schematic diagrams to circuit
trace and isolate the faulty part. For parts
location, refer to figures 2-3 through 2-16.