TM 11-5826-225-35
Gain of First RF Amplifier and Phase-
ciably from that listed in the chart,
Shift Network.
check the alignment of sense antenna
input circuit. After these tests, adjust
(1) Repeat e (1) through (7).
(2) Using 50-ohm probe, apply signal gen-
erator output to the base of Q3 (fig.
2-8). Adjust output signal for a 5-
volt dc indication on the vtvm. Re-
cord output signal of signal genera-
(3) Using 50-ohm probe, connect signal
Adjust output signal for a reading of
5 volts dc on vtvm.
(`4) Divide value recorded in (2) above
by the value obtained in (3) above,
(1) Repeat e (1) through (7).
gain figure is 4.6. Repeat (1) through
(2) Listing 50-ohm probe, apply signal
(3) above for the remaining frequen-
generator output signal to the base of
cies listed in the following chart. If
gain figures differ appreciably, check
transistor Q1 and associated circuit
an indication of 5 volts dc on vtvm.
components. If necessary, use further
isolating techniques to locate the de-
for this dc voltage level.
(4) Using 50-ohm probe, connect signal
generator output to the base of tran-
signal generator to obtain 5 volts dc
on vtvm.
Divide the signal generator output
signal determined in (3) above by the
value obtained in (4) shove, A typical
g a i n value for a freqency of 200 k c
is 0.73. Repeat (1) through (4) above
at the frequencies listed in the chart
below. If gain differs appreciably than
listed in the chart, use further isolat-
ing techniques (para 2-8) to deter-
mine the trouble.