Probable Cause
Power indicator not lighted when
Burned out fuse 1F1, 1F2 (22,
POWER ON-OFF switch is in
step 1, part I.
Burned out lamp 1DS1 (5).
Faulty POWER ON-OFF switch
With MODE SELECTOR switch in
Faulty voltmeter 1M1 (18, figure
CAL MON or IND position and
step 1, part II.
POWER ON-OFF switch ON, no
power is indicated on EXC VOLTS
Faulty variable power trans-
former 1T1 (20).
(18) or variable power trans-
former 1T1 (20).
Faulty MODE SELECTOR switch
1S8 (15).
Check for 23.5 volts at 1P7-W.
Faulty angle indicator amplifier
HEADING and ERROR readout
Monitor and Console not properly
Check that Monitor cable W2 is
does not follow Monitor when
connected to MON connector.
Monitor is rotated, with MODE
SELECTOR in MON position.
Substitute cable W2. If trouble is
corrected, replace cable W3.
No excitation voltage to Monitor.
step 1, part II.
Faulty MODE SELECTOR switch
Faulty Monitor.
Replace Monitor.
Faulty angle indicator amplifier
Check for normal operation in next
Faulty angle indicator 1A8 (36,
Readout does not follow trans-
mitter heading while Turntable is
rotated with MODE SELECTOR
Transmitted: not connected to
Check that cable W2 is connected
in CAL position.
TRANS connector on Console.
to Turntable and TRANS connector
on Console.