TM 11-4920-292-15
Figure 9-7. Optical
transfer setup for
Induction Compass Transmitter T-611/ASN
in CH-47 and CH-47A aircraft.
(6) Determine aircraft misalignment
Clockwise rotation of the drum dial
(minutes) from nomograph shown in figure
corresponds with increasing heading.
9-13. Record this value on
line E-5 of the
One turn of the dial is equivalent to
swing data sheet. Polarity is same as on line
1 of correction, Each dial division is
E-4 of the swing data sheet.
equal to 1 minute. If E-6 is positive,
(7) Determine optical alignment correc-
rotate the fine azimuth adjustment
tion from the equation given in section E of the
clockwise for upright optics and coun-
swing data sheet and record on line E-6 of
terclockwise for inverted optics.
the swing data sheet.
(10) Tighten the telescope fine adjust-
(8) Loosen the telescope fine adjustment
ment clamp,
(9) Rotate the telescope fine azimuth ad-
aircraft as follows:
justment screw by an amount equal to optical
alignment correction of line E-6 of the swing
the optical transfer equipment attached from
data sheet.
the turntable assembly.