ARMY TM 5-6675-308-34
Place nutplates (3) in position and secure each
right side mounting plates. Hold 1 1/4-inch
nutplate with four 4-40 x 7/16-inch screws (4),
lip flat against rear panel.
washers (2), and locknuts (l).
(2) CenterPunch the eight screw hole locations in
the middle of the slots in the rear panel.
3) in position on lower inner surface of vehicle
(3) Drill the eight 5/16-inch screw holes in rear
Install two 5/16-24 X 3/4-inch screws (7) and
(4) Place angle bracket against rear panel and
secure nutplate to vehicle body.
align screw holes,
Using nutplate as a template, center-punch the
(5) Secure angle bracket to rear panel usin eight
three 4-40 screw hole locations in vehicle
1/4-28 X 3/4-inch screws (5), washers (3), and
locknuts (l).
f. Place rear panel in vehicle body and place the
Remove the two 5/16-inch screws and remove
side mounting plates and bottom plate snugly
against vehicle body.
Drill (no. 27) the three 4-40 screw holes
g. Using side and bottom plates as templates, lo-
through vehicle body.
cate and centerpunch the outer screw hole loca-
From exterior of vehicle, countersink the
tions (three on each side and two on bottom) in.
screw holes 100 x 0.225-inch diameter (width
vehicle body,
of screw head).
h. Loosen the eight screws in angle bracket and
Place nutplate (5) in position and secure with
Ibutt the 3/4-inch lip against bottom of vehicle
three 4-40 x 7/16-inch screws (9), washers (2),
gutter. Tighten the screws sufficiently to main-
and locknuts (l).
tain this position.
m. Cut Out Hole In Rear Panel for Porro Prism
i. Using the angle bracket as a template, mark
centerline of the five inserts on the gutter. Cen-
terpunch these locations.
j. Remove rear panel.
and cut out lines. Begin datum line -A- 0.450
0.490 inches from edge of vertical hat sec-
k. Drill the five 5/16-inch screw holes marked in
tion. This line establishes vertical edge.
(2) Begin datum line -B- 0.970 1.02 inches from
edge of horizontal hat section. This line estab-
lishes horizontal edge.
Mark cutout lines and radii on rear panel and
(1) Drill the 3/8-inch screw holes marked in each
make cutout maintaining these lines and radii.
side of vehicle body,
Mark horizontal line 0.500 inch from top of
(2) Drill the 3/8-inch screw holes marked in
cutout (datum -B-). Extend this line from one
lower portion of vehicle body.
vertical edge to the other.
(3) Place left and right nutplates 880541-1 (3,
Locate centerpoint of six screw holes along
Align nuts with the 3/8-inch screw holes
this line to the dimensions shown in figure
drilled in vehicle body.
3-16, sheet 5,
keeping the
holes symmetrical
about the cutout. CenterPunch the screw
(4) Install two 5/16-24 X 3/4-inch screws (5) and
secure each nutplate to vehicle body.
(6) Drill the six 7/32-inch top screw holes.
(5) Using nutplates as templates, centerpunch
4-40 screw hole locations in vehicle body.
n. Drill Holes for Door Fmme Attachment (See
(6) Remove the two 5/16-inch screws securing
each nutplate; remove nut plates.
(1) Place door frame 880522-1 on inner surface o
rear panel where cutout was made.
(7) Drill (no. 27) the four 4-40 screw holes (each
side) through vehicle body.
(2) Align the six top screw holes with holes drilled
(8) From exterior of vehicle, countersink the
in rear panel and temporarily install 8-32 x
screw holes 100 x 0.225-inch diameter (width
3/4-inch screws, washers, and nuts to
of screw head).
door frame (4) to rear panel. Adjust door.