(2) Install the telescope eyepiece (1) on the
telescope end assembly in a similar manner.
a . Removal. Remove the
sunglasses (3, fig. 2-9)
(3) Install the optical plumb eyepiece i n
by pulling directly outwards from the telescope.
r e v e r s e order of removal.
Removal can be accomplished with little or no
difficulty since the sunglasses are a push fit to the
a. Removal. Remove
b. Cleaning and Inspection. Clean the sunglasses
with a lint-free cloth moistened with acetone or
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
grain alcohol. Dry and polish with lens tissue.
( 1 ) Clean the diagonal eyepieces with a lint-
Inspect the lenses for cracks or etching. Report all
f r e e cloth moistened with acetone or grain alcohol.
D r y and polish with lens tissue.
c. Installation. Install
the sunglasses (3, fig. 2-9)
(2) Inspect the eyepiece prisms for chips,
b y pushing the glasses onto the telescope eyepiece
cracks, scratches, or etching. Inspect the threads on
o f the diagonal telescope eyepiece. The sunglasses
t h e eyepieces for excessive wear or damage.
are a push fit.
( 3 ) R e p o r t a l l d e f e c t s t o d i r e c t support
c. Installation. Install
W i p e all surfaces clean with a soft, lint-free cloth
moistened with an approved cleaning solvent.
T h e theodolite leveling base assembly consists of
Thoroughly clean all bearing surfaces that the
t h e tribrach, foot screw and star plate assemblies.
tapered locking wedges ride on. Inspect the
T h e assemblies enable the operator to quickly and
tribrach, star plate, and spring plate for cracks and
a c c u r a t e l y secure the theodolite to, and remove it
breaks. Inspect the foot screws for smooth
from, the tripod head. By using it, the operator can
operation, yet requiring a moderate amount of force
q u i c k l y move the instrument from one station to
by the thumb and finger to turn. Correct any
a n o t h e r w h e n closing a traverse, o r m a k i n g
deficiencies or report them to direct support
m e a s u r e m e n t s where speed and extreme accuracy
m a i n t e n a n c e . Lubricate bearing surfaces sparingly
a r e required.
3-22. Tribrach, Foot Screw, and Star Plate
c . Installation. Be sure that the clamp lever (6,
a. Removal. Push the tribrach clamp lever (6,
theodolite by the alidade U-standard. Aline the
fig. 1-3) downward, and to the right (coun-
c o n n e c t o r receptacle in the alidade receptacle (6,
t e r c l o c k w i s e direction). This removes the tapered
locking wedges from the tapered slots in three spike
t r i b r a c h . Gently lower the theodolite into place in
f e e t of the theodolite. Grasp the theodolite by the
the tribrach. Lock in place by moving the clamp
alidade (U-standard assembly) and lift the
lever (6, fig. 1-3) to the left end of the slot.
t h e o d o l i t e from the tribrach assembly (9, fig. 1-4).
b. Cleaning and Inspection. Brush all dust, dirt,
and foreign matter from
3-24. Illumination Mirror
a. Removal. G r a s p
T h e rotatable illumination mirror assembly (6, fig.
assembly (6, fig. 1-2) firmly with the thumb and
1-2) is used to direct available light into the
two fingers and pull outward with a twisting motion
illuminating prisms w i t h i n t h e t h e o d o l i t e . T h e
t o remove the assembly from the theodolite.
b. Cleaning and Inspection. Clean the metal
used by the operator to check the bubble position in
p a r t s with an approved cleaning solvent. Clean the
t h e vertical circle level.