t h e c a g i n g knob
be tilted toward the operator of the theodolite
tion. Release the compass case by loosening the
during the check of vertical collimation by ad-
compass clamp screw (1). If the compass circle
does not remain level while the case is rotated
screw (7).
through a complete circle, correct the leveling of the
(7) V e r t i c a l c o l l i m a t i o n s l o w m o t i o n
the compass with one or both of the compass
s e t s c r e w s (13, fig. 1-3) located in the base of the
turn easily and smoothly, but without backlash,
t h r o u g h o u t its entire travel. Use an adjusting pin
(4, fig. 2-7) to turn the collimation slow motion
2-27. Movement to a New Worksite
adjusting screw (8, fig. 1-2) to make the exact
a. Short Distances.
(1) For short distances in cleared, level areas,
(8) V e r t i c a l s l o w m o t i o n s c r e w . T h e v e r t i c a l
t h e operator may carry the instrument while it is
s l o w motion screw (11, fig. 1-3) must turn easily
a n d smoothly, but without backlash, throughout its
s t r u m e n t is carried while mounted on the tripod,
e n t i r e travel. Use an adjusting pin (4, fig. 2-7) to
the operator should not carry it in any position
t u r n the vertical slow motion adjusting screw (10,
o t h e r than upright.
a s s e m b l y , to make the exact adjustment.
Never carry the instrument over the
(9) Horizontal slow motion screw. T h e
horizontal slow motion screw (11, fig. 1-1) must
( 2 ) When moving the instrument mounted on
turn easily and smoothly throughout its entire
the tripod through doorways or other confining
t r a v e l , but without backlash. Use an adjusting pin
a r e a s , the assembly should be carried in a tilting
p o s i t i o n with the tripod shoes to the rear.
1 ) to make the
exact adjustment.
b. Long Distances.
(10) C i r c u l a r
(1) When carrying the theodolite for long
distances or over rough terrain, the instrument
t h e accessory case (1). Install the compass on the
s h o u l d be transported in the carrying case (fig. 2-
t h e o d o l i t e as shown in figure 2-1, by inserting the
compass legs into the compass holder (5) and
(2) Do not drop the carrying case into a
t i g h t e n i n g the locknuts.
v e h i c l e or on the ground during transportation.
(b) After mounting the compass, check the
compass circle for tilt. Release the circle by turning
Install the diagonal eyepiece prisms by screwing the
The auxiliary material used with the theodolite
p r i s m mounts on the conventional eyepieces (1 and
includes sunglasses, diagonal eyepieces, mirror
4, fig. 2-9) in a clockwise direction. Slip the
assembly, battery box, and hand lamp assembly.
s u n g l a s s e s (3) over the telescope diagonal eyepiece
Operation of this equipment is described in para 2-
prism mount.
b . R e m o v a l . Pull the
sunglasses (3, fig. 2-9) off
2-29. Diagonal Eyepieces and
t h e telescope diagonal eyepiece prism and unscrew
a. Installation. The diagonal eyepiece prisms
the diagonal eyepiece prism
(4) and telescope sunglasses (3) are installed
telescope and microscope.
d i r e c t l y on the conventional eyepieces as shown in