mirror with a camel hair brush, if dusty, and with
Rotate the assembly, inspecting for snug fit in the
t h e chamois, if foggy. Inspect the hinge action for
stiff or loose movement. Oil sparingly, if necessary,
3-25. Collimation Level Mirror
and wipe off all excess oil. Inspect the lost, cracked,
T h e collimation level mirror assembly (1, fig. 1-2)
or broken mirror. Inspect the metal mount for
does not require removal for cleaning and in-
b e n d s , cracks, and breaks. Report any deficiencies
spection. Clean the metal parts of the mirror with
t o direct support maintenance.
a n approved cleaning solvent. Dry and polish the
c. Installation. Push the mirror
assembly (6, fig.
mirror with lens tissue or a soft cloth. Inspect the
1 - 2 ) firmly into its mounting on the instrument.
mirror for cracks, breaks, and dents. Report all
d e f e c t s to direct support maintenance.
The tripod provided with the theodolite has ex-
a. Disassembly.
t e n s i o n legs and a tripod accessory case. The ac-
( 1 ) Remove the tripod cover (14, fig. 3-7) by
cessory case is made of leather and is mounted on
unscrewing the bridge screw (1).
t h e tripod with wood screws. The tripod assembly
(2) Remove the six screws (9) holding the
consists of a triangular metal plate, w i t h a
tripod leg housing (10) to the tripod leg (24).
m a c h i n e d metal surface; three wooden legs of the
Remove the six screws (8). Remove the three
telescope type: an accessory case containing a
screws (18) from the tripod clamp screws (12).
tripod wrench and plumb bob; a metal cover to
a n d the
protect the machined metal plate;
The three screws (18) have left hand
necessary hardware, and accessory supports. The
t h e o d o l i t e is mounted on the tripod when the in-
strument is being used for surveying work and