loop test fixture. The troubleshoot-
The general support and depot maintenance
procedures in this manual supplement the pro-
alizes trouble in a defective test set
cedures outlined in the operator's and organi-
by providing operating procedure,
zational maintenance manual. The systematic
and listing the proper indications that
troubleshooting procedure, which begins with
should be obtained for each procedure.
the operational and sectionalization checks that
If any improper indications are ob-
can be performed at an organizational level, is
tained, the chart lists the probable
carried to a higher category in this manual.
trouble and suggests how to localize
Sectionalizing and localizing techniques used
the trouble to a defective component.
in the following troubleshooting procedure are
c. Localization. Localize trouble to a defec-
more advanced.
tive component by performing the action
listed in the Correction column of the trouble-
2-2. Organization of
shooting chart ( para 25 ). The troubleshoot-
ing chart sometimes makes reference to a sche-
a. General. The first step in servicing a mal-
matic diagram of the faulty circuit. The defec-
functioning test set is to sectionalize the fault.
tive component can be localized with the use of
Sectionalization means tracing the fault to a
this schematic diagram.
circuit. The second step is to localize the
In all of these
d. Intermittent Troubles.
fault. Localization means tracing the fault to a
tests, the possibility of intermittent troubles
defective part responsible for the abnormal con-
should not be overlooked. If present, this
type of trouble may often be made to appear
b. Sectionalization. Sectionalization is accom-
by tipping or jarring the equipment. Make a
plished by the two methods listed below.
visual inspection of the wiring and connections.
(1) Visual inspection. The purpose of vis-
ual inspection is to locate faults with-
e. Resistor and Capacitor Color Code Dia-
out performing tests or measurements.
grams. Resistor and capacitor color code dia-
Some faults, such as burned-out resis-
grams (fig. 412 and 5-1 ) are provided to aid
tors and arcing or shorted trans-
maintenance personnel in determining the
formers, can often be located by sight,
value, voltage rating, and tolerance' of capaci-
smell, and hearing. The majority of
tors and resistors.
faults, however, must be isolated by
2-3. Test Equipment Required
(2) Troubleshooting chart. Test Set, Di-
The following chart lists test equipment re-
rection Finder Set AN/ARM93 con-
quired for troubleshooting Test Set, Direction
sists of five units; the inverter, the
Finder Set AN/ARM-93:
control unit, the TS-2502/ARM-93,